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just wondering if it is normal for a chameleon to close his eyes whilst basking?
pascal has been basking basically all day, he started out a very dark green almost black color, and now is just dark green and stripey, hes sitting kinda tilting one way and switches over every so often, and one of his eyes (the one that seemed a bit stuck closed last night) was closed when i walked in, but opened when he realised i was there
it was the eye facing the heat bulb
the heat bulb does emit light, a creamy white light which is new as of yesterday since his green light heat bulb was replaced. he has never basked directly under a bulb before, i turned it up a bit in case it was because he was cold and it should be about 30 celcius in there, he was misted this morning, his dripper has been going most of the day roughly one drip per second. he has had a meal worm and hopefully has eaten some crickets, he wont be hand fed anymore for some reason.
for anyone who hasnt put up with my daily panicking, pascal is a 4 week old male yemen chameleon, i brought him home last saturday, he lives in a 38 gallon flexarium, has an asortment of fake plants, he has a 5.0 ubv bulb, and a pro rep 60w basking spot lamp. has never been handled except for in the store he came from, eats around 10 - 20 crickets a day, yesterday he had a wax worm and i have just introduced meal worms to his diet. his crickets are dusted with trex chameleon dust which apparently is all they need. gets roughly 12 hours sleep a night - lights out at 6pm, on at 0630. lives fairly close to a window, non traffic area, quiet bedroom.
thanks for any info.
i am worried about his eye, i think he may be dehydrated, if this is the case, what can i do to get him some water?
just wondering if it is normal for a chameleon to close his eyes whilst basking?
pascal has been basking basically all day, he started out a very dark green almost black color, and now is just dark green and stripey, hes sitting kinda tilting one way and switches over every so often, and one of his eyes (the one that seemed a bit stuck closed last night) was closed when i walked in, but opened when he realised i was there
it was the eye facing the heat bulb
the heat bulb does emit light, a creamy white light which is new as of yesterday since his green light heat bulb was replaced. he has never basked directly under a bulb before, i turned it up a bit in case it was because he was cold and it should be about 30 celcius in there, he was misted this morning, his dripper has been going most of the day roughly one drip per second. he has had a meal worm and hopefully has eaten some crickets, he wont be hand fed anymore for some reason.
for anyone who hasnt put up with my daily panicking, pascal is a 4 week old male yemen chameleon, i brought him home last saturday, he lives in a 38 gallon flexarium, has an asortment of fake plants, he has a 5.0 ubv bulb, and a pro rep 60w basking spot lamp. has never been handled except for in the store he came from, eats around 10 - 20 crickets a day, yesterday he had a wax worm and i have just introduced meal worms to his diet. his crickets are dusted with trex chameleon dust which apparently is all they need. gets roughly 12 hours sleep a night - lights out at 6pm, on at 0630. lives fairly close to a window, non traffic area, quiet bedroom.
thanks for any info.
i am worried about his eye, i think he may be dehydrated, if this is the case, what can i do to get him some water?