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Did You Know?
Chameleons have a high midichlorian count.
Furcifer labordi (Labord’s Chameleon) has the shortest lifespan of only 4-5 months. It also has the shortest lifespan of any tetrapod!
Pygmy chameleons (Brookesia, Palleon, Rhampholeon and Rieppeleon sp.) often resemble dry leaves, mosses and branches.
Pygmy chameleons are sometimes referred to as False Chameleons. This term is actually incorrect and is in reference to anoles, particularly the Cuban False Anole.
The word Brookesia is named after the British naturalist Joshua Brookes.
The process of shedding is called ecdysis.
Pygmy chameleons have bicuspid claws where each claw has two points like a crescent moon.
Chameleon fossils have been found in central Europe and China, indicating they were once much more widespread than they are now.
Chameleons do have taste buds on their tongue but overall they have a poor sense of taste.
The word Calumma comes from the Latin word for covering. This genus consists of chameleons from Madagascar with occipital lobes.


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