Well, I too am building a new chamy cage for our future veiled. I started this a while ago but ran into some design problems. Putting it up for the winter, I re-thought the ideas and have come up with a new design. The overall is 2'x2'x4'. It will have a 2'x2' drain pan in the bottom with hardware wire covering and a full 2'x3' front screen door. The raised wood frame will house a second level of hardware wire for the lights to sit on above the screen top to keep the little guy from getting too close to the light/heat source. I already have an umbrella plant and a spider plant and a bunch of fake pothos and vines. The back is going to be a 2'x3' board with fake rock for chamy to climb and water to drain down into the drip pan. There will be two more 1"x2" framing boards on the front to match the back ones. Any thoughts? I'm trying to build my own pump mister but can't figure out the specs on the pump motor. There are several suppliers with many different specs. I have all the rest of the parts already. (I hope I turned all the pictures the right way. Nothing is harder to look at than sideways pictures. Lol)