small bump on head


hello i have a problem and was hoping for your help, there is a bump on my chameleons head and i thought it was a little birth mark because i had not had him for a long time and it would also come and go. but it has stayed and i dont know what to do.

thanks, madison
without seeing a picture it hard to say. Is the bump on the top of his head or by his nostrals?
so it is on the bridge of his nose then? The reason I was asking as I have seen bumps(which are abssess') on here and they are in the area of the eye above the nostril. If, that is the case, your chameleon will need to be seen by a vet, have a culture done on the growth and then your vet will have to give you the proper antibiotic Again, find someone you can borrow a camera from or something and post some pics for everyone to look at. That is just one possibility, but really impossible for anyone to attempt to give their opinion on what it might be without a picture.
ok thanks i will try to post a pic by tomorrow and if you now a vet in OC california that would be great
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