driving with chameleons

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well i have a 5 months old veild, she is my first, and summer time is coming. and in the summer me and my family tend to make alot of trips up to my trailer park in terra cotta. its a beautifull place with loads of sun in the summer, and i have a screen room attached to the outside of my trailer that im sure she would love to hangout in and bask in the actual uva's/uvb's.

my question is. is it stresfull to chameleleons if they are drivin around ? , its apox 30 min drive from my house to the trailer park and ill be going there almost every friday till sunday or monday when i drive back home, will this be okay ?
it sounds to sress full yes how ever some chams dont mind the trips. it all depends on how they react in a car in general....another point is this if its only 30 min away why not just move there for your cham to have a better life?

my first cham was in a s10 truck with me and my mom for 17 hours while moving from s fla to atl ga.....truck was over loaded so we went slow....otis loved it. he was very content siting on a handle like whats on the inside upper door frame but attatched to the dash for most of the trip....basking....i really miss that one of a kind cham
Chameleons "talk" via vibrations. They do not hear. Why am I telling you this? Because all of the bumping around and rattling of the car can stress out the chameleon more than you think.
Chameleons and Vibration
How smooth can the ride be made?

I agree that the chameleon would probably enjoy time in the screen room but, like the others, think that the ride might be too much.

However, maybe you can make it so the cage doesn't bounce around and is insulated from the vibrations of the car?
People-there is NO WAY that this is a good idea. This is a female that will soon be cycling eggs. Chameleons do not even want to be handled-so please explain why you think it wants to be thrown in a car and taken to a new environment once a week?

Give your cham to someone tht can provide it a proper stable home.
I have to agree. I would not travel once a week with a chameleon. Your best bet is not go or just stay up there or like what was just mentioned give the chameleon to someone who can care for it all the time. Chameleons are creatures of habbit I moved a plant in my cage and Jasper hated me for about a week and hissed at the plant every once in a while. If you go through with this I can actually see this as a death ride.
I don't think we know enough to say it's just a horribly bad idea. If he's bringing the animal in her cage, that makes it better. If the cage can be supported in a way that minimizes vibration, that makes it better....it's possible that covering the cage for the trip would lessen the stress on the animal.

I admit I had forgotten that eggs might be an issue and that definitely is a concern. I don't know enough about veileds to know how much advance warning one gets and how long from that time the serious "egg laying" takes.

Other questions are:

How long is "summer"? If it's a month, then a pet sitter for those few weeks is probably the best solution. If it's 3 or 4 months then I can see the desire to bring the chameleon at least some times.

Are there people at both locations who could be trusted to oversee the chameleon during the time the family is elsewhere? If so, it might be feasible to bring the chameleon up for part of the summer. That would mean only 2 trips in the car, hopefully spread out by a few weeks or a month.

I think suggesting he has to give up his chameleon is a tad harsh.
Did you bring your chameleon home in a car? Or, was it shipped on various trucks and planes before you got it? I only mention that because we seem to forget that trip.

I do think it's important to stress that this is not a dog and so won't enjoy the trip. The best thing for the chameleon would be if she never knew she'd been moved.

Is it impossible to make that happen?

I will say I think that transporting her in her own cage, covered and secured seems like the only possible way and even then, I've love if there were some way to lessen the movement.
The best thing for the chameleon is to not move it. I really do not think we can compre an initial less than 24 hour trip to moving a cham every weekend. Yes-it is impossible to move the cham without stressing. If we all agree this is stressful,and potentially life threatening why argue?
well i have a 5 months old veild, she is my first, and summer time is coming. and in the summer me and my family tend to make alot of trips up to my trailer park in terra cotta. its a beautifull place with loads of sun in the summer, and i have a screen room attached to the outside of my trailer that im sure she would love to hangout in and bask in the actual uva's/uvb's.

my question is. is it stresfull to chameleleons if they are drivin around ? , its apox 30 min drive from my house to the trailer park and ill be going there almost every friday till sunday or monday when i drive back home, will this be okay ?

bro think you need a dog........not a cham.
the only time i take out a cham is when either cleaning or changing somrthing in the cage, and when i do i set him/her on a tree(non-toxic),
Did you bring your chameleon home in a car? Or, was it shipped on various trucks and planes before you got it? I only mention that because we seem to forget that trip.

I do think it's important to stress that this is not a dog and so won't enjoy the trip. The best thing for the chameleon would be if she never knew she'd been moved.

Is it impossible to make that happen?

I will say I think that transporting her in her own cage, covered and secured seems like the only possible way and even then, I've love if there were some way to lessen the movement.

It is absolutely not a good idea to be traveling with your cham week after week. Sometimes it is necessary to move them or transport them, such as to a vet. But, in this case it is entirely a different situation and very stressful to the animal.

I suggest that you put your theory into action with your own chameleons first before suggesting it to others.
The best thing for the chameleon is to not move it. I really do not think we can compre an initial less than 24 hour trip to moving a cham every weekend. Yes-it is impossible to move the cham without stressing. If we all agree this is stressful,and potentially life threatening why argue?
I totally agree, why is this something to be considered?
It is the man's pet...I know, there is this higher expectation of goodness, but if he wants to bring his pet with him on vacation that's his right, is it not?

Given that what should we be doing?

Telling him how wrong he is and how he shouldn't even own the thing? Who among us would take that well?

Or, perhaps trying to see if there's a way to do it so it's not absolutely horrible for the animal?
bro think you need a dog........not a cham.

lmao i think you hit the nail on the head BUT..and thats a big but he owns the cham already so lets give him the best info that we can and see what he does with that. Ultimately he is gonna do what he has to do.
Well there probably isn't a good way to transport him without to much stress. Maybe overnight but who knows. If you could, try to get someone to look after your Cham while you're gone.
It is the man's pet...I know, there is this higher expectation of goodness, but if he wants to bring his pet with him on vacation that's his right, is it not?

Given that what should we be doing?

Telling him how wrong he is and how he shouldn't even own the thing? Who among us would take that well?

Or, perhaps trying to see if there's a way to do it so it's not absolutely horrible for the animal?

This proves it to me You are totally NOT concerned with the animal's welfare. Go find a "People should be able to do whatever they want" forum. Please.
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