Twiggy the rescue

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Sorry, but I do have another question.

We have very hard water here. So because of that, I decided to use distilled water in the misting system to avoid a total white cage within a day or two.

I do mix it with a gallon of Poland Spring water. It is a 10m liter holding tank. I use a gallon of Poland and a gallon of distilled. which is most of the way full at 7.5 liter.

Is that ok for Twiggy? I read a bunch of things on this site and most say it seems ok. Local pet store says no problem but I'm just wanting to verify.

Thanks again folks
Sorry, but I do have another question.

We have very hard water here. So because of that, I decided to use distilled water in the misting system to avoid a total white cage within a day or two.

I do mix it with a gallon of Poland Spring water. It is a 10m liter holding tank. I use a gallon of Poland and a gallon of distilled. which is most of the way full at 7.5 liter.

Is that ok for Twiggy? I read a bunch of things on this site and most say it seems ok. Local pet store says no problem but I'm just wanting to verify.

Thanks again folks
That is fine... We use water that is not tap water for the equipment. If we didn't we would ruin the automated misters and foggers do to the mineral build up most tap water leaves behind.
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