
  1. aeolis23

    Blue vs. red gums ?

    Hi I am keeping pygmy chameleons at home, and I noticed that sometimes their gums are blue and sometimes pink/red. I didn't notice if it differs intra-individual or inter-individual, as it's been a long time since I noticed the blue mouth with another pygmy than the one I saw now with the...
  2. B

    Pygmy cham shedding

    My pygmy chameleon started shedding yesterday morning and this morning there's still a piece of SHEd stuck to him. It's kind of wrapped around his leg. But when I looked at the other side I managed to unhook one end of the "skin rope" and now it's just this long hanging piece of shed hooked on...
  3. ReptiGeek

    Another Pygmy Vivarium [Pictures]

    Okay, so I realize I just posted a pygmy vivarium thread a couple weeks ago, but I made another one because I had to separate my male, whom I decided to name Fred Flintstone. The females he is in with aren't quite ready to breed, however he certainly is. Let's just say he was tossing them around...
  4. ReptiGeek

    My New Chameleons!

    Picked up two juvenile bearded pygmy chameleons today, which I believe to both be female (unsure about one). I also have an additional two that I will be picking up on saturday. They are older (adults) but will be housed together since the size difference won't be too great. That pair will be a...
  5. ReptiGeek

    Help Identify! THANKS!

    Alright really need help identifying this pygmy locale. At the store they are labeled as African Pygmy Leaf Chameleons and thats all the staff know. I would identify them myself but it's about an hour away and I don't have the time to drive out there and come back empty handed. I am hoping they...
  6. ReptiGeek

    My Pygmy Chameleon Viv

    Please judge me! This was originally going to house a few cobalt tincs but then I cam across a lady selling a 1.1 pair of Pygmy's! Gave her a call as soon as I saw the ad and she agreed to sell them to me once I have everything set up (which I already kind of do, but now I want to tinker around...
  7. ferretinmyshoes

    Pygmy Shedding Time Lapse

    Pygmies shed their entire skin within an hour or two! They split down the middle and then stretch their little heads and tails all around to loosen the split and eventually end up pulling it off! Sometimes they will eat the entire shed so you don't even know it happened. I got lucky and caught...
  8. ferretinmyshoes

    Pygmy eggs Hatching!!

    I am so excited to announce I just found 4 perfect little eggs laid by my very own CB female R. brevicaudatus named Batu. I still have Batu's father Tiberius (wc) though her mother Octavia (wc) passed away about 5 months ago. Batu was of their fourth clutch under my care, I watched her hatch...
  9. camaleonte82

    New pygmy cage. any advice??

    So this is My new pygmy cage. i dont have pygmys yet. but if anyone is selling any or knows where to get some it would be greatly appreciated if you could help me find some. anyway. any suggestions on how to make my pygmy cage better other then letting my plants grow and thicken up a bit...
  10. ferretinmyshoes

    New Pygmies! (Thanks ataraxia!) Girls or boys?

    Ataraxia has supplied me with 3 new brevs to restart my little colony after my mama pyg passed away right when the ban went into place. They are in great shape and are eating and drinking great in quarantine! When I first unpacked them and looked at them all together I thought 2 females and 1...
  11. ferretinmyshoes

    Pygmy shenanigans :)

    Going through some pics and haven't shared in a while. My little man is growing up! He's grown out of his baby colors. Here's when he was younger, perching on a tiny air plant leaf Came in the other night and this was how he was sleeping: Total splits and passed out! And then the next...
  12. sophiechameleon

    new pygmy help

    After much research I chose to purchased a male USAMBARA PITTED PYGMY CHAMELEON (RHAMPHOLEON TEMPORALIS) from FlChams and began to wonder if it would be okay to house this little guy alone. I know alot of people house many pygmy's together so I was wondering if he would be fine by himself...
  13. ferretinmyshoes

    Pygmy habitats

    I have a handful of pygmy vivs now that I have babies coming out my ears! Just thought I'd post a few pics for anyone looking for inspiration. :) The original viv that houses the parents: The little viv for Meena, my only girl baby: Littler viv for my brother's baby boy: And...
  14. ferretinmyshoes

    Baby Brevs finally hatched!!

    After 84 days incubating I had just about given up. I candled the eggs just two days before they hatched and only saw a small dark sliver and one tiny blood vessel in just one egg. I was thinking by that time it would be body filling the whole egg, like with birds. But apparently not! The first...
  15. giaindell

    sexing. please i need help (:

    i need some help on sexing these two cutie pies right here i ordered them on monday and i just received them. ive ordered from this website before but they separated the male in female in two different dixie cups. this time they put them both in the same container. i have no clue which one is a...
  16. J

    Pygmy cham unknown injury

    I posted a thread a few weeks ago talking about her (is she def a girl?) injury and people didnt seems to know what it was. Its still there so thought i would get some pics up to see if anyone can help. The back left leg is able to move but has no grip. Origanaly both legs were black...
  17. J

    pygmy chameleon colours....... what do these meen?

    Hi, can someone please tell me what these colours on my 2 (believed to be) male bearded pygmy chams.
  18. J

    What temps are your Pygmy at?

    I have been looking for ages and still cant find a 100% definate answer to the right temp for my pygmy brev cham. Like alot of things on this site there are different oppinions so its hard to judge which is right. some say it has to be 70-75....some say 72 is to low yet some say 72 is just...
  19. J

    help making a Lid do for a fish

    Hi, I have 2moro small fish tanks that have no lids on them.I have used them for crickets in them in the past by putting a par of tights on top and using the leg holes to get access typo them. Anyway, I have some pygmy eggs which will hatch in a few months and I plan to use the tanks for them...
  20. B

    Welcome my Pygmy Babies!!!!

    I am beyond thrilled! This is my first time at this unexpectedly and Im thrilled that 3 of the 6 hatched today. I walked into my closet and saw movement and there they were int he container!! They are sooo small, like smaller than I even thought possible! I havent tried to sex them yet..just put...
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