Veiled Cham facial wound


New Member
I was watching my veiled female today, when I noticed she was missing some of her front lower "lip." I can only assume it's from rubbing against either branches in her cage or the mesh screen (though, I've never seen her do it).

I lured her out of her cage (she hates being handled, so I try and do it only when it's necessary so I don't stress her out). The wound itself doesn't seem raw, but I put some neosporin on it just in case (when I read up on treating wounds, that was the main treatment people mentioned, aside from going to a vet).

It doesn't really seem to affect her too much..she still eats and drinks. Just curious if anyone else has dealt with this? Any particular reason why she is doing it, and can I prevent it?

And also, how do you treat superficial wounds like that with your chams?

Thanks for all the help and thoughts!
not a vet, but it doesnt sound too serious. unless it keeps scraping and making it worse, it'll just fix itself after a few sheds. whats her age? if shes old enough she might be restless wantin to lay eggs but pissed she cant find a place.
Depends how bad it actually is, you make it sound pretty bad.
when I noticed she was missing some of her front lower "lip."

Of curiosity, is it a wild caught lizard? WC are more likely to do that and end up with rostral/mouth damage.
In general terms, probly something is wrong with its enviroment.
If you fill out the 'how to ask for help' questionaire it may shed some light on it.
How long has it been that way?
p.s. neosporin is good, but you need to determin and fix the cause.
This kind of thing can lead to more serious infection.

I'll get a better one later (the camera wanted to focus on her eyes lol).

Lexi is about a year and three months or so. She was a Christmas gift from Scales and Tales (reptile store here in CO) back last December.

It probably is an egglaying ordeal. I just switched her back to her six foot tall cage (no ground bedding) from a four foot coconut bedding w/ hibiscus tree cage because she never laid any eggs.
I just need to get a huge enclosure for her that also has the room for the ground bedding so I don't have to stress her out and switch places for her to lay eggs.

Where is a good place to get a nice new cage?
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