REPTAID new organic anti-parasite/health boost formula

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Hey Elliot/Sandy,
Just wondering if this is ok to use even for healthy chameleons or recuperating chameleon? I notice about the effect of boosting immune system.

Mine just healed from coccidia by way of Ponazuril.
I am thinking of brushing his feeder at leas for 10 days straight for better insurance.
And probably will keep doing it once a month or so.
It is fine for a healthy cham. Sometimes we may think our cham is healthy but really it may have some problem and we just don't see it manifested outwardly. We only know that there may be a problem by seeing that the cham does not eat right, or poop right, or is lathargic or his colors look wrong. We have used it many many times on a cham who just wasn't eating right or whose colors were not quite as vibrant as they should be. And in 1 or 2 days they perk right up! It is NOT a medecine. This product is just oils and herbs, all natural and all organic. See the details on our website. We are BIG believers in natural cures and remedies. Especially if they work.:)
I'm gonna get it tom, because my dad is working late. Also, would it be ok if I injected it into a 1/4in cricket. Would it stay inside the crix
There are 2 bearded dragon breeders who are now using Reptaid on their lizards or are soon going to use it. You can either get some and try it yourself or wait for reports from the people who are already going to work with their dragons.
1/4 crickets are quite small. We have never tried to inject Reptaid into a bug that small. It is possible. So why don't you try it and report to us whether it works. But do be careful that you don't stab yourself!
it'd probably pop before you could get the full dosage in. kinda funny not really.

Gesang ill be buying some at the start of the year, depending how things are lookin.
I was able to finish my first course of treatment this weekend and wanted to share with you how amazing I think the product is.

I treated a WC melleri that I thought was in pretty good health.

After the 10 days he had a grip twice as strong and his color changed to a more consistent color. He is more active. What a difference. It may sound strange but I can tell he is better off even though he really didn't seem ill. I have not had a chance to perform a float on him yet but will as soon as he leaves me another present I can find in time.
thanks for the great feedback. The health boost is exactly what the product is all about. Even if your cham seems healthy, the Reptaid gives them what they need to boost all the metabolic functions and we see the results in a healthier, happier animal.
im gonna try to use it on my BD, and also my veiled cham who has been clear of coccidia for a month as a preventative method. i am getting another fecal in a month so i will see how it goes.
Got mine today! Already gave all the chams a dose. Can't wait to see how it works on Mateo. I am hoping that it will give him the boost he needs to have a growth spurt.
I ordered a bottle and hoping it arrives today. I was be very interested in any reports from members that use it to treat coccidia. Right now Ponazuril is the drug of choice but an all natural alternative is very interesting.

I have an old cham who needs perking up. I'll try it on him and brush it on feeders for the others to see how it works as a general boost.
well, if ur interested, i had a fecal done a while ago and my cham came up positive for coccidia and i got ponazuril and he came up clean a month ago. im getting a fecal in a week so i will tell you how it has worked.
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