Eating poop?

My 4.5 month old panther accidentally ingested some of his own feces while grabbing a cricket. I couldn't do anything to make him spit it out obviously. Should I be concerned about anything?
It will happen unless u clean the poop out daily,it should be fine ,since what ever goes in his stomach eventually will poop out again,as long the poop did not contaminated with any type of bacteria (like dirty cage,feeder poops),check on his poop for the next few days just to be sure its good to go,keep the cage clean as much as u can so it wont happen often.
It will happen unless u clean the poop out daily,it should be fine ,since what ever goes in his stomach eventually will poop out again,as long the poop did not contaminated with any type of bacteria (like dirty cage,feeder poops),check on his poop for the next few days just to be sure its good to go,keep the cage clean as much as u can so it wont happen often.
He literally did it the day after I cleaned his cage and it was the only visible poop in there.
I have been keep an eye on him and everything. He seems fine. Thanks!
Try to "spot" clean daily. Matter of fact, I'm going in right now to clean out a big juicy one I saw earlier tonight before lights out. Just keep an eye on him for a couple of days. Not much you can do now.
sorry I'm not trying to hijack this from the op but I have noticed my male veiled doing this lately. and I do spot clean every day all visible poops/pees as soon as I notice them but the past couple days now I only see the pee no poops in sight and I'm sure he is going because he has never peed with out also pooping so this is concerning. I guess I never actually witnessed him doing this but it's the only explanation I can think of. unless he isn't pooping to but then that's a whole new issue. if eating it is what's going on why is he doing this? what could happen because of it? they don't get like diseases that people can get from fecal/oral contamination can they? eew this is an icky subject my female has never done this and they eat the same diet only she eats a bit less for reproductive reasons. the gut load is fresh fruit & veggies that I've looked up the calcium & phosphorus levels to make sure I'm using the best such as okra raspberries mustard greens dandilion greens blackberries tangerines oranges apples with the skin on limes etc. the source is the guinealynx fruit & veggie charts. I also dust every day with calcium no d3 however 2x monthly I use cal w d3 also for the male (he is younger than 1yo) I dust a vitamin&mineral supplement 4x monthly and 2x monthly for the female
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