Yellow Mouth


Avid Member
In the morning Rocko will bow up and then yawn really big and kinda shake like he is stretching. Caught this pic of his mouth open, does the yellow coloration mean anything? He's fine eating, drinking, etc. Just curious, I never looked in his mouth before.


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I think panther locales have yellow mouths, they don't brush their teeth enough! :rolleyes:


YOu beat me to it, bah humbug!
He is approx 9 mos. He is my sweetie pie, he has never, ever even shown any aggression towards me or any other human. Glad to know he is normal.
The funny thing is, when I bought him he was 4 mos old and they told me he was a female so I named him Rosie. Turns out Rosie was a Rocko. He was a late bloomer, he was even pink and brown at one point. You can see more Rocko in my photo album :D
Healthy and Handsome....

The yellow is very normal and your boy looks very healthy and handsome. Looks like he will be a real stud muffin :p
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