New Member
I need help. I have a Panther Chameleon, about 6 months old. He is great, but about 4 days ago I noticed something sticking out of his vent. I have now learnt its a sperm plug and not poop, which i thought was stuck. Ive read you can just pull these sperm plugs out. Ive tried, but, its like its still attached to part of him inside. I do not want to hurt him or cause distress, so I do not continue. I have tried bathing him, must to his horror. Im misting and spraying. Next is vaseline. After that the vet, who will look at him with the wtf expression. Anyone ever remove these butt plugs? He is in good health, eating, pooping, drinking, shedding and happy about being handled. He is not acting off. Thanks for any advice I would appreciate the help.