Newest rescue :)


New Member
Hi all,

Since Laurie graciously adopted Rhino, our jackson rescue, we had a bit of extra space to help out another cham. So today we acquired this little man. His previous owners were moving and were unable to "sell" him so we took him in as they were on their way out of town. He was in a very dirty ten gallon aquarium with an old water fountain, dish and a couple of rocks. The people got him when he was about 6 weeks old but are not sure how old he is now (ya I know, people are so attentive to their chams). Other than his prior husbandry he seems to be in pretty good shape. He ate well and drank as soon as he was in his new enclosure. We will keep everyone posted on how he is doing :) We hope he will recuperate well so we can find him a loving forever home in the future!

his prior enclosure

here he is, adorable little man!

his new temp house

chillin on a plant while we built his new house
sometimes it's ALL i can do to even look at these postings!!!!!

thanks for caring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lisa
The two of you are such a blessing for chameleons in need. I know they all love you and I respect the time and commitment you are making. Wonderful work. Rhino said hello.:)
Thanks again for kind words. This little guy seems like it will be much easier than Rhino. He has already settled into his new temp enclosure and was a great color last i went up and checked.

They are so cute when they are little. :)

Gpmo (him)
good for you guys! hes so cute, looks kinda scrawny to me though :p a cute scrawny though. good luck with him, you guys will do well.

p.s. his old enclosure was so raaadd!.... not. he sure is lucky to have a new home!:D
Did they tell you where they got him?
If he is actually six months old, he hasn't been getting nearly enough food (small)
Get ready for a growth spurt now!

He is doing well today :) we took him outside for some sunshine time and he really seemed to enjoy it!

Brad- they got him from the same place you get your crickets, and they weren't sure of his age so he may be younger.




You are a chameleon hero! I wish I lived near you so I could help rescue them too!:)

If you ever need someone to adopt one to help, let me know!
Brad said we tured our Jackson rescue in to a tubby cham so i am sure we will put a bit of weight and size on this one. Veileds are a fairly hardy bunch so i suspect this one will be a bit quick on the mend.

Gpmo (him)
hurray U saved his day

that is so wonderful and he is such an adorable lil boy, get sum meat on them bones and he gonna be a happy camper.
It's such a blessing to see how fortunate both rescued and rescuer are.
Hats off to you for the compassion in ur hearts...
Well its been a week, He is upto 12grams and holy cow he blew up.

So damned cute

Gpmo (him)
He is so sweet shedding, something about is just makes them look like clowns.

btw Rhino said he is not "puggy" ! He has also developed a interest in Jackie the girl I got from Brad, he wants to be friends.;);)
here he is again!

It has been about 2 and 1/2 weeks since we picked him up from a guy in a motor home at a walmart parking lot. And boy has he grown! He weighed 8 grams the day we got him, today he was 14grams. He eats like a piggy and I think he has grown taller and longer instead of fatter :) Here are a few pics of him attempting a daring escape in broad daylight today...

It's go time!

So far so good!

Oh No! They saw me!

You sure know how to do rescue chams. Rhino is doing great thanks to your care! He is shedding right now. Your new boy is sweet.:D:D
Thanks Laurie! we love hearing that Rhino is doing so well and is so well loved:D We hope this little man will find someone like you to love him too!

gpmo (her)
You will have no problem finding a great home for the little guy, lots & lots of good keepers here. And he is a little sweetie, that helps.:D

btw to know Rhino is to love him, he is so mello, eats well & eats almost anything you offer him, drinks when I mist him poops when he needs to. How much better could he be? Also Brad & I both said he is big - he is, at about 1/3 larger than my other male Jackson, Zeus - who is normal size.
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