Look what the FedEx guy brought me today!

Thanks everyone for your kind words. I really like him A LOT. I find him so fascinating. One neat thing I've observed is that it likes to perch very close to the dripping water. It'll roam around every once in awhile and hunt, but it always goes back to the dripping water spot. So far it's eaten a few crickets, superworms, a fat dubia and a hornworm. No poop yet though. I'll be relieved when it has it's first movement.

That baby is so darn cute!!Any idea how old your little jewel is? I am sure going to enjoy watching that one grow up. Congratulations !!!!!!

I was told he's around 8 months.

I'm going to say your Parsonii is a male. He has got exceptionally orange eyes and that normally is the sign of a young male. What species of tree is he on in your photo's? Avocado?

Thank you. That was the importer's guess too. I can't wait until I know for sure though. I don't know what to name it until then.

I don't know the name of the tree but I just bought a few Camellia Japonica today to be safe. I really like avocado trees, but I've read they're mildly toxic.

that what me and my 7 year old said to every photo. I love him and one day I will have one..... He is beautiful
Where did u purchase him from...he looks amazing ...

Two clutches with a total of 10 CBB were imported from Europe by Reptile Pets Direct and came in a few weeks back. All of them were in excellent condition.
They've all since gone to their new homes!:)
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