Chameleon Enthusiast
Hello all!
Well I saw my female in her cage, flashing some receptive colors, so I grabbed her, and introduced her to my male's cage. Shortly after, he strapped on his awesome colors, and they were doing their breeding ritual. It was funny to begin with because his tail was on top of a leaf so he couldn't copulate and he started freaking out. I helped him out a little bit and moved the leaf out of the way, and boom, that started the copulation. It lasted between 10-15 minutes long, about double to triple the amount of time as last time. I will be introducing them a few more times to ensure fertile eggs are produced.
Seems like 3 of the shots had the "Money Shot". First one is the real one
Well I saw my female in her cage, flashing some receptive colors, so I grabbed her, and introduced her to my male's cage. Shortly after, he strapped on his awesome colors, and they were doing their breeding ritual. It was funny to begin with because his tail was on top of a leaf so he couldn't copulate and he started freaking out. I helped him out a little bit and moved the leaf out of the way, and boom, that started the copulation. It lasted between 10-15 minutes long, about double to triple the amount of time as last time. I will be introducing them a few more times to ensure fertile eggs are produced.
Seems like 3 of the shots had the "Money Shot". First one is the real one