New Member
This is what I came back with from the expo in OH. They are all rescues in my opinion. I also bought 2 24x24x48 screened cages for $75 and 600 crickets lol. Oh and a female Graceful who is healthy as can be to go with my male.
I will post each ones story with the pics below. If you see anything I'm missing as far as care please let me know.
#1 Verrucocus (I thought it was a female but now I'm not sure. This one is the worst) She/he has lots of tan on it's head and some red down it's body which made me think girl, but the bulge looks male.
Weight 74g Length 15.5"
This cham was in a cup next to the next and I thought for sure it was dead. It was almost completely white and didn't move or open it's eyes. I grabbed the cup and told the guy there was something wrong with it and he said he didn't know why they even packed it! I opened the lid and she/he looked up at me. I told the guy he should give her to me and he said he couldn't do that so I said how about I give $80 for both of them? (asking price was $60 each) He agreed. She didn't move at all once I got her back to the hotel. She is severely dehydrated and malnourished. You can see every bone in her body even in her tail. After a bit of fluids she lifted her head. I then gave her a long shower and she was able to move a little bit. She is so week, has almost no grip. I have her in a smaller cage until I get her hydrated again because I'm afraid she is going to fall. She will be given daily showers and extra misting as well as a baby food/calcium mixture. Once she improves I will then treat her with Panacur.
#2 Verrucosus This one has beautiful colors although I know my crappy camera doesn't show it. It's in much better shape then the other one. The shape of their heads are so different, is that just because the other one is so malnourished? He also has what appears to be a healed injury on the front of his mouth.
Weight 50g Length 13.5"
Has been and will be treated with showers and Panacur. He is moving around well and keeping both eyes open.
#3 Meller's (Maybe male?) Weight 100g Length 15" Asking price was $85 a piece, I paid $150 for both. They were together in a 10 gallon fish tank and the larger one was trying to attack the smaller one.
Dehydrated, will be treated with showers and Panacur.
This guy drank for 30 minutes straight in the shower last night. I've never seen anything like it.
#4 Meller's (Maybe female?) Weight 60g Length 12"
Dehydrated and seems to have a bit of trouble with her left arm. It's almost like there is a healed fracture there that limits her mobility.
Will be treated with showers and Panacur. This one also drank like crazy in the shower. Her horn or whatever you call it on the end of her nose is also a bit bent.
And yes I know I've taken on alot with these guys in their condition but I just couldn't stand to see them suffer like that.
I will post each ones story with the pics below. If you see anything I'm missing as far as care please let me know.
#1 Verrucocus (I thought it was a female but now I'm not sure. This one is the worst) She/he has lots of tan on it's head and some red down it's body which made me think girl, but the bulge looks male.
Weight 74g Length 15.5"
This cham was in a cup next to the next and I thought for sure it was dead. It was almost completely white and didn't move or open it's eyes. I grabbed the cup and told the guy there was something wrong with it and he said he didn't know why they even packed it! I opened the lid and she/he looked up at me. I told the guy he should give her to me and he said he couldn't do that so I said how about I give $80 for both of them? (asking price was $60 each) He agreed. She didn't move at all once I got her back to the hotel. She is severely dehydrated and malnourished. You can see every bone in her body even in her tail. After a bit of fluids she lifted her head. I then gave her a long shower and she was able to move a little bit. She is so week, has almost no grip. I have her in a smaller cage until I get her hydrated again because I'm afraid she is going to fall. She will be given daily showers and extra misting as well as a baby food/calcium mixture. Once she improves I will then treat her with Panacur.

#2 Verrucosus This one has beautiful colors although I know my crappy camera doesn't show it. It's in much better shape then the other one. The shape of their heads are so different, is that just because the other one is so malnourished? He also has what appears to be a healed injury on the front of his mouth.
Weight 50g Length 13.5"
Has been and will be treated with showers and Panacur. He is moving around well and keeping both eyes open.

#3 Meller's (Maybe male?) Weight 100g Length 15" Asking price was $85 a piece, I paid $150 for both. They were together in a 10 gallon fish tank and the larger one was trying to attack the smaller one.
Dehydrated, will be treated with showers and Panacur.
This guy drank for 30 minutes straight in the shower last night. I've never seen anything like it.

#4 Meller's (Maybe female?) Weight 60g Length 12"
Dehydrated and seems to have a bit of trouble with her left arm. It's almost like there is a healed fracture there that limits her mobility.
Will be treated with showers and Panacur. This one also drank like crazy in the shower. Her horn or whatever you call it on the end of her nose is also a bit bent.

And yes I know I've taken on alot with these guys in their condition but I just couldn't stand to see them suffer like that.