Chameleon hatchling walking strangely. Body a bit twisted?

I am currently in the process of having a clutch of panther eggs hatch which is very exciting. I had one hatch today which looks like a boy but I have noticed he walks with a strange twist in his body. His legs are fine and he grips, walk and climbs fine. It just looks like his body is slightly twisted to the right and that he is biased to that side of his body. If you were to imagine looking at the chameleon straight on and pushing it's head to one side, it looks a bit like that.

I do remember with my first hatchling thinking he looked a bit odd walking at first too but he seems to be completely fine now.

Is this normal? I was thinking maybe he has knocked it or they take a little while for their body to 'straighten' out from the egg? He is not in any pain and he walks about fine. He literally hatched about 8 hours ago.
Has anyone had any similar experiences?
Congrats on your baby. I have not experienced this but I hope he will be ok. Post some photos of him if you can or a video. That would be helpful.
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