Bumps on face


Avid Member
My poor Hunter went to the ER last Saturday with a bump on his face and a swollen left eye. Thurned out there were two bumps. The one on bridge of the nose was soft and possibly fliud filled and there was a small hard one near the corner of his left eye. because of the possibility of them being connected and that it was infection, the course of treatment that we decided on was eye drops once a day, antiinflamatory by mouth every 12 hours and an antibiotic injection once evry three days. To do biopsys with it being so close to the eye presented risks i was not willing to take along with the risk from anesthesia. Aside from thus he seems healthy and very strong. They went thru my husbandry and no changes were recommended. He is eating well and hunting well and is targetting better since the swelling in the eye has decreased. Poor boy is now molting! A week has past and i just took pics and would like everyones input. Hunter is 1 1\2 male veiled. He has been such a trooper and Thankfully doesnt hate me yet for giving him all the meds.


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Pics from a week ago


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No was affraid of the eye issue. I think its gone down on the face considerably but the bump by tthw eye has gotten bigger and it seems that its has gone over the bridge. But the eye is not irritated like it was ititially. At first i was thinking if not abcess then papilomas. Seems to me they are connected.
Yikes! That’s a big lump. If it is infection, that lump will need to be opened and cleaned out. Chameleon pus is thick like cottage cheese and won’t clear on its own. If your vet is hesitant or not 100% sure what it is, he/she could maybe do a needle biopsy, which is just a small needle poke.
I can’t see the eyes clearly at all. Yes, all the facial structures are connected or affect each other in one way or another. That lump doesn’t look like a papilloma. Those tend to look like crusty warts.
Do make sure your guy stays hydrated. Most meds are hard on the kidneys (or liver) so offer silkworms or hornworms to help.
The meds are eye drops are Trobamycin, anti inflammatory is Melosicam 1.5mg at 0.03ml by mouth and antibiotics Ceftazidine 200mg 0.03ml injection once every three days. 10 doses. Was told tgus may take a while to resolve.
Yes hydration! Am obssessed right now. He is gweting horn worms ( his fav) and after i give him the antiinflamatory he gets two droppers filled with water to wash it down. He seems to really like that, but then again i have trained him to drink from a dropper and thankfully the meds havent turned him off from enjoying that.
I recall someone discussed with you the dropper drinking. We all do things our own way - just be very careful that he doesn’t aspirate. I know you love him and will be…I’m just a mother hen. Give him a treat for me. Poor guy. Give yourself a treat too! I had to give my sweet Grumpy the ceftazidine injections and it made me cry every time.
Thats the best i can get


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Still hard to see, but I have a general idea. Hopefully the meds will help get things cleared up, but as I said, that face lump will probably need to be cleaned out by the vet.
I know, its heart breaking! Well he sticks hus tongue out and takes the drops unless he gets frustrated that i am doing it too slow then grabs the dropper with hus mouth! Little stinker. It took a long time to teach him with more water on me then in him, but patience has paid off!
WelI I am on it! It took only a few days to swell that big. But she was right its connected and she didnt want him to lose sight in that eye. Thankfully it didnt apoear in the roof of his mouth and she told me there is a space right inbetween there for the nostril.The needle aspiration only showed blood and she couldnt indentify anything in it. Next step was biopsy and lab, which was dangerous due to the eye. Its going down and we still might have to do that if this course of treatment doesnt work. I just need to keep him healthy and strong. You know i am a nervous mom and proabably driving him crazy!
Update its been three weeks since his eye blew up and finnaly the swelling is down considerably and he can see out of the eye! Yeah. He is eating but not as much as id like so i am giving him emergency carnviore everyday. And he is still on full range of meds. But we are out of the woods! My poor sweet little hunter has been through it! Even so he still has a wonderful disposition. Here r some pics. The first two r three weeks ago and the ladt one is today.


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BTW, the bump on his nose opened on its own about a week after first vet visit. It was an abcess. Tgat bump healed nicely then one day after taking him fir a walk i noticed a little clear seepage from the nose soar, three hours later his entire eye blew up, casque, and swelling in the mouth. To the ER we went. they honestly didnt oniw what was going on. My choice was to put him down or hospitalize him with no guarantees. All labs came back within normal range even white blood cell count was goid but they did see something in it to think the infection my be lingering. The eye untrasound scan showed the eye was intact and it was the eyelid with the issue. so the next day i took him home and have been nursing him ever since.
Well he is healing slowly. My biggest worry was the eye lid would breakdown with all that swelling and he would lose the eye. But its correcting itsself! Yeah. I flush it everyday then put drop in it and give antiinflammatory then an antibiotic every three days. its working
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