Baby flap neck


New Member
As some may know, before christmas I bought 2 baby flapnecks, one of which went to a friend for a christmas present.
He's been doing fine, eating well, very active, and from what I know kept very well hydrated. my friend started to show concern a couple days ago because he'd not shed for a while, but other than that seemed very healthy.
when my friend woke up today and he was on the bottom of his cage, very limp, and while we were on the phone, he died. The thing that I find a little strange here is the fact that yesterday he was still eating, and, my friends words 'a little grumpy looking but otherwise fine', still active and with good grip.
I was wondering if there was anything that could cause this to happen so quickly? my friend would like to know for future reference, though I'm sure with the speed it happened there was nothing we could have done..
I'd be greatful for any information that could be shared, have any o you had this happen?
Hard to say without more information, but chameleons are very good at hiding their illnesses. It's a survival technique (don't prey on me, I'm not weak). So even though he appeared fine, there was probably some underlying problem that wasn't immediately apparent.

Or he could have choked on something. That will do them in rather quickly.
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