Your Next Chameleon?

Your Next Chameleon?

  • Veiled Chameleon

    Votes: 113 12.3%
  • Panther Chameleon

    Votes: 485 52.7%
  • Jackson's Chameleon

    Votes: 98 10.6%
  • Pygmy Chameleon

    Votes: 49 5.3%
  • Other Species

    Votes: 136 14.8%
  • No Future Plans

    Votes: 40 4.3%

  • Total voters
I marked panther chameleon but i might be getting a little female veiled (Ringo's GF) soon. I am looking at panthers but as my husband is getting out of the Army in January and he's going to college I dont see it happening for awhile.

I got out last year. With the GI bill plus a part time job I was making about the same as when I was in. The only thing that sucks with the GI bill is if the school doesnt offer year round classes there wont be any BAH in the summer:(
I would say maybe a panther. But not for awhile, (my fiance just convinced me to buy a male veiled a few days ago) :D:p
my female!

My girlfriend is going to order my female Kinyongia from Seeco for Christmas! Going to get my breeding started! I'm so excited! my baby male is still a baby so my female will be a baby; got some months till they can breed but I cant wait!
I'm sure I must have answered this question at least once before......My next cham.......not including hopefully baby Veileds (not going to count one cham before it hatches...:)).
My next cham species? Will definitely have horns......but I don't know if it'll be a Jacksons or a Quad.
I wonder if I could breed Jacksons with Quads?.......joke, obviously :D
I'm sure I must have answered this question at least once before......My next cham.......not including hopefully baby Veileds (not going to count one cham before it hatches...:)).
My next cham species? Will definitely have horns......but I don't know if it'll be a Jacksons or a Quad.
I wonder if I could breed Jacksons with Quads?.......joke, obviously :D

What about a deremensis or k. multi or ... :p
What about a deremensis or k. multi or ... :p

Nice chams of course, and if you offered me one I wouldn't turn it down.......but the question was this - 'What chameleon species do you expect to bring home next?'
And if I have a choice, which I almost certainly will, I pick a Quadsons, or maybe a Jacksicornis.......
Nice chams of course, and if you offered me one I wouldn't turn it down.......but the question was this - 'What chameleon species do you expect to bring home next?'
And if I have a choice, which I almost certainly will, I pick a Quadsons, or maybe a Jacksicornis.......

Not another veiled? Are you sure? Hmmm....
Wish List

1. Male Ankaramy
2. Male Nosy Mitsio
4. Male Parson's (way down the road, over the hill, and 3/4 the way to granny's house)
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