Yemens colour and food


New Member

I bought a yemens several months ago, he is probably about 5-7months old now. I was just wondering if they changed their colouring and marking as they get older?

At the moment he is still a pale green colour all over and has no stripes. I have seen pictures of other chameleons about the same age and of the same species that have a vibrant display of colours. WIll he develop these or will he stay this pale green?

I would also like to know whether I should be feeding him a variety of live food. Currently he is eating crickets and on occassion wax worms. He also eats the leaves on his ficus plant. Should I be giving him a more varied diet such as locust and meal worms etc?
Welcome to the forum! :)

All chameleons like a variety of feeders: crickets, locusts, superworms, hornworms, dubia roaches ect... you shoud provide them if you can.

I dont have a yemen myself, but seen a lot of pictures abou colorful chams. The base color waas the green always, but there were some yellow or brown on them too. Search in the forums gallery for it. :)
Don't feed too many meal worms, they have a hard exoskeleton(chitin) and can lead to digestive problems. You are better off with silkworms, or hornworms.
veileds will get alot more colours (blue, orange, yellow stripes/spots) usually once they hit sexual maturity which typically is anywhere between 6 to 9 months. As for diet, the more variety you can give of good gutloaded feeders the better. (roaches, crickets, supers, walking sticks, silkworms, hornworms, moths, locusts, waxworms, butterworms etc...) as different insects have different nutritional values. since your cham eats his ficus leaves you should try giving him some fresh fruit/veggies/greens such as kale, dandelion greens, mustard greens, small slices of various fruits ect...
If I post a photo will anyone be able to predict his age? I think he is about 5 months old but am not sure.
I am really hoping that he is going to develop some brighter colours soon.
If your Veiled is a solid green with no stripes at that age, you probably have a female, but post some pics for a better evaluation.
I have attached some photos of my chameleon Ken. They are not the best as the lighting in my house was bad today. Hopefully someone will be able to tell me how old he is.

Now i look at him he seems to be developing some yellow bars. Hopefully these will only get stronger.

He is a funny character. He moves away from me when I go to get him out but doesn't seem that bothered when he is out (i.e. he doesn't go dark or anything). He is always eager to go back into his viv though!!

Anyone have any tips on how to make him climb onto my hand to come out?

I am love having him as a pet, he is so interesting. I am thinking of getting another, maybe a panther?


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Hi - as I can't tell from the photos - has 'he' got spurs on his hind legs as he looks very much like a 'she' from the photos as Metric says.

Also looks about 7-8 months as you say.
definately looks like a little one of your pictures you can see his colors starting to show ...give him a little more time and some food to keep him growing healthy and it looks like youl be getting some yellow soon ...he is a cutie!
7 months looks about right ...that is when they just start showing colors in 2 months i bet he will look even more beautiful....keep us updated tho:p everybody loves pictures.
That's definitly a male, he should have little spurs that stick on the back of his feet as well.
Seven months seems late for bar development. The late bloomers usually look the best though :D
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