What is the opinion of Zilla's JumpStart calorie supplement?


New Member
My veiled cham is ill (discussed in another thread). I am worried about him not eating anything but the few medicated waxworms I am forcing down him.

He finally pooped today but I was told a bit of mineral oil might help and saw that this JumpStart has mineral oil in it. I know it works great on Bearded Dragons, but does it work and is it safe for chams? I am going to go research it online but figured I'd ask for opinions here first...

Thanks for any input.
I would recommend Fluker's Repta Boost since he's not eating well and you can put in a drop or two of the mineral oil.
Thanks Jannb!

Off to find Fluker's Repta Boost. Should I give him that along with the ReptAid or instead of it?
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