What are your "real" jobs

I have a few jobs. I am in the air force reserves till 2010, then I am a free man. Served active 3 years so i see things from both sides of the force you can say.

my main job now I am a mill reline technician.

basically, google up sag mill, or ball mill and look at the pictures.

those are machines that are inside of mine sites, i go to those machines, and gut them, and replace all the lining in them. hard work long hours, but its the type of work ethic i enjoy.

my other part time job, i do refrigeration.
They'll eat fruit flys from the petstore. Or look for fruitfly cultures online. Also spiderpharm.com sells fly larvae for when they get older, and of course crickets. You can usually sell them for anywhere between $7-$20 depending on species and maturation.

They're pretty fun to keep!

My boy friend and I live in Maryland and just before it snowed last week we found a praying mantis outside at my college. It was very lethargic because it was very cold so we took it home....He thinks they are cool (they creep me out) We put it in a cage and fed it crickets and watered it and stuff and a few days later we found out it was a her. We have an egg sac. What on earth do we do with it? She died a few days later tho. I have to admit I was sad.
They'll eat fruit flys from the petstore. Or look for fruitfly cultures online. Also spiderpharm.com sells fly larvae for when they get older, and of course crickets. You can usually sell them for anywhere between $7-$20 depending on species and maturation.

They're pretty fun to keep!

Are you serious? I can sell a mantis? We get giant...and I mean giant green and sometimes odd colored mantis's here at my house...and sometimes really long stick bugs. Once in a while I'll find a bird sized moth outside near my lights...and these suckers are enormous. I'll look for the pics I took of the mantis last summer on my deck.
I would buy it myself ;) but I just spent over 30 bucks on an african ghost species - one of the most gorgeous insects on the planet IMO.

I'll find the link for the classifieds page later today.
I live in East Los Angeles..
I think I saw your comics or somewhat your works in comicon this year..
especially that "David" comic.
I am constructing my website soon, i've been putting it on and off lately...

Where do you live?
It's pretty rare to find fellow illustrators that are into entertainment design and
chameleon at the same time. :D

I'm in the Seattle area. I'm in the games industry up here, and I do books on the side.

That would be really weird if you saw my David books this last year in San Deigo unless they were used. I'm pretty sure my publisher wasn't there.
I'm in the Seattle area. I'm in the games industry up here, and I do books on the side.

That would be really weird if you saw my David books this last year in San Deigo unless they were used. I'm pretty sure my publisher wasn't there.

the comics were in the session of artist alley.. (I think it is used).
Saw your blog, it's great stuff, man!
Do you paint? (traditional)..

lol.. i think i'll PM you later.. i'm starting to get off topic here.
Boilermaker here.....from around Pgh PA.

Also sell MH reef aquarium lighting to help pay for that hobby.

WOW!! there are a lot of talented people here!:D I am a maid, a shoffer, a cook, a child care center, etc.... lol ..Well right now i don't work i am a stay at home mom for the next few years(hence the careers i do above haha i have a 2 yr old and a 7 yr old both boys:)(thats a lot of work in itself hahaha) I also take care of my 2 beloved Yorkies:)
Are you serious? I can sell a mantis? We get giant...and I mean giant green and sometimes odd colored mantis's here at my house...and sometimes really long stick bugs. Once in a while I'll find a bird sized moth outside near my lights...and these suckers are enormous. I'll look for the pics I took of the mantis last summer on my deck.

i think stick insect is illegal to sell in CA
i think stick insect is illegal to sell in CA

Can you site me the code section, reg or case law on that? It's Kalifornia...so I wouldn't be surprised...however it's an insect which is native and these things are normally regulated by Agricultural regs. Agricultural regulations are not usually specific for anything which isn't directly harmful to the State...such as non-native flying fruit flies carried across state lines in fruit purchased out of state.
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I'm a student studying molecular biology, I'm also a waitress (when I want to be, I guess). I like it because it only takes a few shifts to pay the bills, and all the rest is saving money! Saving for more bugs and more chameleons! Hooray! Well, and a new car. And more school.
I work as a geophysical technician for a company that processes seismic data for oil and gas exploration.

Booo oil and gas!!! I know I know ... I work for the enemy :(
Computer support/Helpdesk for NY and TX fish and game departments.
I am a Supervisor at a Hilton Hotel in the Communications department, I get $12/hr to sit on my but and go online all day, it's EASY and it's the perfect college job, lots of time to do homework.
I am a Supervisor at a Hilton Hotel in the Communications department, I get $12/hr to sit on my but and go online all day, it's EASY and it's the perfect college job, lots of time to do homework.
That's awesome, I always thought working in a nice hotel would be really cool
Right now I'm a Pre-Press manager for a newspaper company in Central California doing technical junk on a computer all day long and in my free time I'm a commercial pilot working on my certified flight instructors license.
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