Weird Spot on his chin? Burn/ bite Who knows.


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Veiled Male Maybe 15 months old. been in my care for a little over a year.
Handling - Maybe once a week, sometimes more since we take him outside for real sunlight
Feeding - Crickets About 9 medium a day give or take a few. Also a couple of wax worms every other day or so. They are fed with a dry cricket food with a lot of different grains in it Sometimes carrots/squash/sweet potatoes
Supplements - Reptical with and without d3 maybe once a week or so and a multivitamin twice a month.
Watering - Garden sprayer and he is sprayed about 3 times a day heavily. We sometimes see him drinking but he is very shy and stays in his plant 9sometimes eats pothos leaves)
Fecal Description - Never tested but has nice sized droppings and white calcium dropings(maybe a little yellow from time to time)
History - Not that i can think of. Besides he stays pretty dark during the day but when we take him out his colors flare up. We have also recently bought a panther which is next to him that he sees. Seems to be unaffected by him though.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Extra Large Reptibreeze
Lighting - Reptiglow UVB 5.0 bulb and a 75 watt Zoo med basking bulb
Temperature -The top of his cage may be 85-90 on a good day, Lowest may be in the 70s. Dropping about 10 degrees at night. We have a hydrometer/thermometer plus a digital reader we use.
Humidity - humidity 80s for a high and around 50-60 for a low created by misting and live plants in his cage.
Plants -2 fluffy golden pothos that he loves to eat and hide in
Placement -Living room, Somewhat high traffic. One wall is covered to hide other critters and ourselves mostly. Near a fan (sometimes on, sometimes off) It may be about 3 feet from the ceiling top is about 8 feet high. (somewhat high ceilings in that area)
Location - I live right outside of Atlanta

Current Problem - He has a strange dot on his chin that we are unsure of. I can't tell if it is a burn or a bite mark or something. He hasn't been acting skiddish at all. he likes to watch the other chameleon and doesn't flare up at him. (However he does flare up when he sees my phone/camera)


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I'm not sure what it is, but it could definitely be caused by some of the husbandry errors I see. I would start by fixing those and seeing if it goes away. Also, make sure your hands are very clean and then touch it gently, and seee if it bothers him. here are the problems with your husbandry-
Supplements--You want to have calcium dusting WITHOUT D3 every day, Calcium WITH D3 twice a month, and multivitamin twice a month.

Fecal--The white stuff is not calcium droppings. That is his pee. they are called urates.

Being dark can be a sign of stress and he should not be dark unless he is basking. Improper husbandry creates stress.
Your temperatures are too low. Being dark could also indicate that he is too cold and is trying to absorb more heat. The basking spot (not the whole top of your cage) should be 90-95 degrees. Everywhere else should be 75-80 degrees.

Plants-Are the pothos the only thing you have in there? There should also be horizontal branches to create basking spots and vines.

placement--high-traffic is bad. In the beginning, you say he is shy but then you say he isn't skittish at all? either way he should in a low-traffic area which means no fans, no people walking by, and NO OTHER CHAMELEONS. The constant dark colors mean he is stressed. The fact that he isn't flaring up does not mean that it isn't bothering him. Chameleons' instinct is to pretend stuff doesn't bother them, so they can appear healthy and strong to keep aaway would-be predators. He shouldnt be able to see the other chameleon. You need to put up a shower curtain or something, but they can't be near each other. It is causing both of your chameleons stress. Fix your husbandry and the dot may go away. But fixing it will also bring his olors back to normal and he will be much, much happier.
I have been told multiple times not to dust his crickets every single day, Also i know they are called urates i just couldn't think of the word and we use calcium when we refer to our snakes. We have calcium with and without d3 and he gets the one without d3 maybe every 3 days or so. He doesn't stay black but he stays dark. He is almost black when he is basking but he doesn't pop his ultra bright colors unless he is sleeping or outside in the sun, sometimes even when we hold him. He has plenty of fake vines and branches and places to hide in his cage. He is mostly blocked from the high traffic (his caged is covered on one side, so unless I am doing makeup or feeding him he doesn't see us). I was referring to him being a shy eater/drinker. He only really lets us watch him eat his worms but never really crickets or drinking. But I swear he eats the plants to spite me lol (will look directly at me and rip a leave off my green thumb is only so-so). As for the other chameleon we have no place to move him until we can move into our house. We have a bunch of other reptiles in the same room (that he cannot see from where he is so we can't twist his cage or anything) He has been absolutely fine up until when we noticed this dot today. He has been eating, drinking, and his poop looks fine. So there are no signs of stress as of right now. He will destroy crickets and worms and hasn't shown signs of not eating. As for his temperature the basking spot is almost always 95 but the whole upper part of the cage stays in the upper 80's. (We are also in a second floor apartment that faces the sun so the heat from downstairs gets up here and from outside and due to vaulted ceilings it is hard to keep our living room cool except at night)

I am in no way trying to be rude this was just in response to your post.

I would show a picture of his cage but his lights just went out and I don't want to wake him.
Ok, I would still hang a shower curtain or something to block off the other chameleon. Is the spot sensitive?
My fiancee says he touched the spot and he didn't move or freak out or anything. Doesn't seem to be bothering him, just us.
It could possibly be a cricket bite since I don't think it looks like a burn from any pictures i've seen online, and i don't know what the bites look like. He doesn't like super worms. He's a very picky boy. The crickets are the only thing that roam his cage.
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