Veiled chameleon wont accept crickets?


New Member

My veiled cham has been eating crickets happily until yesterday. She just looks at them and walks away or ignores em'. She did although eat her superworm treat. I feed her more insects than crickets so thats not the problem, she is healthy and not gravid. I just bought a batch of 120 crickets for her from my supplier and I wont waste them. So any idea why she isnt eating and furthermore, what trick will get her to eat them again??
As long as you keep the crickets clean and hydrated, they should last a while! Chams do go on hunger strike, or just get picky from time to time, but this can last even longer when other treats are offered. As long as she is eating a well gut-loaded variety this wont be a problem.
Ah okay, thanks!
Ill put in some crickets to free range and if she wants to eat she'll be able to get crickets from her cage.
What size are the crickets? As long as they are not full sized it shouldn't be a problem, but large crickets could bite your cham while sleeping. This could lead to problems. If they are smaller it should be O.K.
How much do you normally feed her? How old is she? Chameleons seems to go on hunger strikes when they are fed too much and have the luxury of being able to pick and choose what they want to eat.

If she is a healthy, non-gravid adult, you can try not feeding her anything until she eats the crickets. If you leave them in with her, she may take longer to start eating them. If you decide to do this, only offer food every 3-4 days until she eats them.
My male veiled did this aswell he wouldnt touch his crickets i just stopped giving him worms until he would take the crickets it took a few days but hes eating his crickets again now:)
Everything is Okay now. Apparently i fed her one/two too many crickets and after leaving her without food for two days, she started eating again.
Thanks for the help!

Edit: the crickets are large, but ive spectated the crickets a lot and the only place where they go is on the top of the terrarium at night times, dont know why though. And at day time their also at the highest points, probably due to the humidity being higher the lower you get.
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