Tims Broken Leg

Yes defo a male his colors and the spur on the back so u don't new a lay bin. Some Chams I feel as if have gender problems where they take strong traits of the gender and emulate them as if they were the other gender one of my male veileds did this while he was not fired up he looked exactly like a girl cham veiled but once he would see me and come out he would go boy colors on me. This could be the case for your guy but he is defo male
Yes defo a male his colors and the spur on the back so u don't new a lay bin. Some Chams I feel as if have gender problems where they take strong traits of the gender and emulate them as if they were the other gender one of my male veileds did this while he was not fired up he looked exactly like a girl cham veiled but once he would see me and come out he would go boy colors on me. This could be the case for your guy but he is defo male

chams do not change patterns to emulate other genders. thats not how this works.

yes there are some very slight spurs on the back of the feet. Buit sometimes, even female veileds have been known to get tiny spurs, but they are not as pronounced as male spurs are.

males have yellow bars, that are clearly defined, fired up or not.

this cham has a short wide casque, female coloring, smaller frame... shorter head length, all signs of a FEMALE.

yupp this is why myself and fiancee are so confused. theres people saying one thing and people saying the other, each one thinking that they are correct :)

i guess the only way ill find out is if she lays eggs or he doesnt.

as jann said before i previously had a thread about the sex of tim( she gave obviously fantastic advice as always! including everything i need to change :) ). as we were so unsure we decided to place a laying bin and get ready for tim to start laying eggs regardless. better safe then sorry.

sometimes tim has slightly yellow bars sometimes he doesnt.
i guess tims just not fussed. female or male its no difference to us we love him/her all the same. we are just worried about doing things wrong.

we have another appoinemnt in 2 weeks for tim, i shall ask the vet if its possible to do an examination to see 100% be tim a girl or a boy.
I'm not trying to fight with u. I was just putting my imput because I have a male veiled right now that is almost 2 years old that looks exactly like the one this guy has pictured. And he is a defo male I know this because he is 2 yrs old and has never laid eggs or become egg bound or has putting out infertile slugs.

So in rebuttle to you telling me I'm wrong if the op cham has not shown any signs of getting fatter for eggs or that is old enough like my cham at 2 years old then I would for surely put the stamp of male on it. As female will produce eggs wether they have mated or not or even seen a male or not so if the op Cham is past a year old and still hasn't even shown signs of egg binding or infertile slugs or a sudden increase in weight and decrease in appetite ten I'm pretty positive that the op veiled is a male and not female. You can't always gender a Cham off of coloring alone
Some female veileds never lay eggs their entire life. There's one member here that had one live to 5 and never laid an egg. Please post a few pictures of your veiled.

I'm not trying to fight with u. I was just putting my imput because I have a male veiled right now that is almost 2 years old that looks exactly like the one this guy has pictured. And he is a defo male I know this because he is 2 yrs old and has never laid eggs or become egg bound or has putting out infertile slugs.

So in rebuttle to you telling me I'm wrong if the op cham has not shown any signs of getting fatter for eggs or that is old enough like my cham at 2 years old then I would for surely put the stamp of male on it. As female will produce eggs wether they have mated or not or even seen a male or not so if the op Cham is past a year old and still hasn't even shown signs of egg binding or infertile slugs or a sudden increase in weight and decrease in appetite ten I'm pretty positive that the op veiled is a male and not female. You can't always gender a Cham off of coloring alone
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I'm not worries about my Cham my vet and I already made sure he was a male. I'm more worried about Tim and the leg. I was tryig to give my opinion only as I have my guy that looks very similar. And I was under the assumption that females will always lay eggs as that is one of there natural deffences is that they will keep reproducing because they know that they don't live long in the wild and try have to reproduce many times as to keep there species going or else that would have already died off
Some female veileds never lay eggs their entire life. There's one member here that had one live to 5 and never laid an egg. Please post a few pictures of your veiled.

i didnt know this! that must have been a nervous 5 years lol. i would have been worried so much if i knew it was a female and she never laid!

I'm not worries about my Cham my vet and I already made sure he was a male. I'm more worried about Tim and the leg. I was tryig to give my opinion only as I have my guy that looks very similar. And I was under the assumption that females will always lay eggs as that is one of there natural deffences is that they will keep reproducing because they know that they don't live long in the wild and try have to reproduce many times as to keep there species going or else that would have already died off

i appreciate the concern :) i too would love to see some pics of your veiled :D
Hopefully not! When he does I'll be buying hera nice treat, she hasn't tried silkworms yet so that may help lol
awww, he's gonna be a spoilt boy!
I had problems with silkworms because the sizes were all mixed up with metric & imperial on the website. I got small ones & they were tiny & my guy ignored them completely. I'd recommend medium/large & that you get some mulberry chow for them. If they come with food, it'll be a tiny amount :) Hope he liked them!
Haha thanks for the advice :D and don't worry everyone's confused at Tims gender but jannb has shown me the way and I believe it's deffo a girl lol
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