Tims Broken Leg


New Member
we got in yesterday from a day out (only gone 3-4 hours)

went over to tim like we do whenever we get back in and he comes straight out onto our hands.
his grip seemed really weak on his front right leg and everytime he was trying to walk it was just collapsing and he was dragging it.
ive never been so upset over an animal i was devistated.
since it was around 10:30 when we got in on a saturday night we rang the emergency vet straight away but because theres not many that specialise in chams around in a 20 mile radius we were limited to what we would do.
Every single one that we rang the vets that knew about chams wernt on call that night! i was furious. so we had to wait until 8:30am to ring the vet and get an emergency appointment today (sunday). we took him there right away. the vet was lovely and confirmed that it was indeed a break.
just above his elbow. so he gave him a makeshift cast with bits of plastic tube around some cotton wool. and wrapped it all up. Tim never even flinched and just let the vet get on with it! so proud of him.

weve had to take every single thing out the viv bar the heat lamp and the uvb. weve just moved them into the cage, theres no way he can climb onto them as there still too high for him to reach.

here a pic of him bless.

all in all it was only £157 for the emergency call out, and strapping him up and the appointment in 2 weeks to check up on him.
Agh the poor little thing! How are you managing to feed and hydrate? Do you know what caused him to fall?
Best of luck. Keep us posted. Hope he doesn't go off his food and water! Have you tried eating and drinking yet?
Thanks :) we are using a small syringe to drop water onto his nose and he opens his mouth to drink it and with food hea not eating hasn't since yesterday but I've mashed up crickets some wax worms with a little water into a different syringe and he's eating like that for now but hopefully he will start eating again properly once he's feeling a little better
And nope Kate we have no idea how he fell, he's never fell before this
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Sounds like you are doing well. Good luck. When I asked about him falling it could be due to an imbalance in his supplements. Just a thought.::)
At least there is a good side to the story, I hope his little arm heals up nice! Sounds like you had a lovely Vet to not make your cham squirm when making a custom cast!
We use a calcium supplement without d3 every feed and with d3 2-3 times a month kate should we use like a reptiboost atm?
And yes he really was a lovely vet, sounds nasty but I hope to never need to see him again lol
Do you use a multivitamin? Not saying this is why but could be a factor in the falling or causing weakness?
yes i do use calcium and multi vitimans, by nutrobal but i dont think this was the cause of his fall, i generally think he has just fell from a branch, he is always climbing around and sometimes is quite fast when running about, but he should heal nicely pretty soon :)

I am glad you got little Tim all fixed up. Sometimes chams fall for silly reasons, just like we do. Sorry you & Tim had to go through this, but your little man will be up and climbing soon as a result of your loving care.
I am glad you got little Tim all fixed up. Sometimes chams fall for silly reasons, just like we do. Sorry you & Tim had to go through this, but your little man will be up and climbing soon as a result of your loving care.

Thanks, i will keep updating so everyone knoes how hes doing :)

yes i do use calcium and multi vitimans, by nutrobal but i dont think this was the cause of his fall, i generally think he has just fell from a branch, he is always climbing around and sometimes is quite fast when running about, but he should heal nicely pretty soon :)


What you are supplementing sounds ok. I used to use nutrabol twice a month and plain calcium every feed. I have recently changed to Repeshey calcium plus. I would stick to what you are giving at the moment. It sounds as if he will be back to normal in no time. I'm not sure how quickly reptiles bones heal.
Is there any reason why you changed from nutrobal? Because if it's better stuff then I might aswell buy it
I know it's soo small, I must admit I did chuckle a tiny bit because of how cute he looks with it on but he seems to be coping well, just won't stop trying to walk!
Is there any reason why you changed from nutrobal? Because if it's better stuff then I might aswell buy it

I hear a lot of people here use Repeshey calcium plus. You can use it exclusively and not have to remember which Sunday you used d3 and multivits. It contains very small amounts of d3 and multivits. If you have lots of nutrabol wait till you need more before changing. I don't think it's a good thing to change till he is better. The last thing you want is for him to go off his food because it smells or tastes different. The two veileds I had was given nutrobal on every feed. That was before I learned it was too much, they both had problems and didn't live very long. Giving it twice a month is fine.
Im sorry about your litle cham baby.

Hope he will be ok.

But, since no one else said this.. I think you have a female.

I dont see the yellow bars that males get, the casque also seems a little short for a male.

can you post pix of the back of the back feet please?
I am sorry to hear that Tim broke her leg. Did the vet give her some liquid calcium? She may be producing eggs and their bones can become weak when the eggs are drawing the calcium from thier body and they can break a bone or two. One of my females did.

Jessica, the OP had another thread earlier and I told him that he had a female and provided him with egg laying info.
Im sorry about your litle cham baby.

Hope he will be ok.

But, since no one else said this.. I think you have a female.

I dont see the yellow bars that males get, the casque also seems a little short for a male.

can you post pix of the back of the back feet please?

Alot of people have said he is female but the person i bought him from says he is defo male! we have no idea but we have bought s sand box just incase he is female and needs to lay eggs, he has spures on his feet also, i will post a pic..



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