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Thanks! It does have vitamin A in it…which is good…but not the form of vitamin A. It’s said that some/all chameleons can’t convert prOformed into prEformed vitamin A so it’s too bad companies don’t say what form it is.
So guys today I had vet appointment. His left leg is deformed and probably also his front legs are too. Vet gave him only injection with calcium(it should correct that tongue and also make his bones stronger). He didn’t make blood work or x-ray. He told me that it could be possibly gout but he more thinks that my cham has lack of calcium. He didnt do blood work because he didnt know values of uric acid when my cham was healthy and he also said that it is individual. What do you think about it?
So guys today I had vet appointment. His left leg is deformed and probably also his front legs are too. Vet gave him only injection with calcium(it should correct that tongue and also make his bones stronger). He didn’t make blood work or x-ray. He told me that it could be possibly gout but he more thinks that my cham has lack of calcium. He didnt do blood work because he didnt know values of uric acid when my cham was healthy and he also said that it is individual. What do you think about it?
So not doing blood work is really odd to me. You need to know what the current levels are to determine if there is an issue with gout. Because it does not matter if the cham is healthy or not if the uric acid levels are high this indicates an issue. How are they determining that the legs are deformed? We see this with MBD but if the cham has had the right UVB lighting at the correct distance along with proper supplementation this would not be an issue. Again you would be able to determine this with the xray.
So not doing blood work is really odd to me. You need to know what the current levels are to determine if there is an issue with gout. Because it does not matter if the cham is healthy or not if the uric acid levels are high this indicates an issue. How are they determining that the legs are deformed? We see this with MBD but if the cham has had the right UVB lighting at the correct distance along with proper supplementation this would not be an issue. Again you would be able to determine this with the xray.
well he was comparing what he saw 1 month ago with what he saw today(this is how he determined it). I don't know where is the issue
I can try find another vet but leg really looks deformed...
So my concern is the cause... That was the leg he fell on. If he broke it that can be seen on an xray. Bone density can also be seen on an xray. Determining gout can be seen in blood results. It would not matter what levels were prior it matters what the levels are now.

Your UVB is on point as well unless your output from the bulb is not correct, you can confirm by getting a solarmeter 6.5 to test your uvb at the basking branches. I am leaning away from MBD being an issue. Which creates deformity to the bones.

The vet is not giving any real info here. Just saying it is deformed does not make sense and the lump at the joint of the front leg does not look like an issue you see with MBD. Looks more like gout.
So my concern is the cause... That was the leg he fell on. If he broke it that can be seen on an xray. Bone density can also be seen on an xray. Determining gout can be seen in blood results. It would not matter what levels were prior it matters what the levels are now.

Your UVB is on point as well unless your output from the bulb is not correct, you can confirm by getting a solarmeter 6.5 to test your uvb at the basking branches. I am leaning away from MBD being an issue. Which creates deformity to the bones.

The vet is not giving any real info here. Just saying it is deformed does not make sense and the lump at the joint of the front leg does not look like an issue you see with MBD. Looks more like gout.
Well I don’t have solarmeter, so I can’t measure it, but I can order new uvb bulb and replace it.
Oh my god I am so dumb if he dies due to my fault I will never forgive myself :( :(
Not at all! The way I see it is you are doing all that you can. You’ve been here trying to troubleshoot, asking questions and taking advice. We’ve done a full husbandry review. You’ve taken your beautiful guy to the vet, but possibly (probably?) your vet has limited experience with chameleons and how are you to know that in advance? I don’t know how popular it is to keep chameleons in your country and area, but I think just about everywhere it can be a challenge to find a good vet who knows chameleons. Even with an experienced vet, chameleons can be fragile. Be kinder to yourself. 💗
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