Think Lily's Poorly!

Oh no :( No a thread i wanted to find on here

I really hope she is perking up for you.

Please keep us updated, You and Lily have become my guides to this new hobby

Docility - she did another small urate earlier - completely white. That was a while after her shower. Her lights are off now (timer) but got her to have a long drink. She's never had fat pads on her cheeks or a bulgy casque. Her tail looks like it usually does although it does look a bit thinner in front of the base - where the eggs show when gravid, just behind her back leg. And she's just had more water. I'll keep offering water until she settles. Although her lights are out it is still fairly light - she'll be roosting soon.
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Thanks for all the help and support guys! Lily has drunk loads tonight - probably more than she usually drinks in a week! She's been very thirsty but has now settled down to sleep. I'm just hoping she's still here in the morning.:(
Oh no, Lily can't be poorly! Were you able to see another vet? Hope she has a nice sleep tonight and is fully hydrated in the morning. Love and Hugs and positive thoughts being sent your way xxx
...and 35W Sunglo daylight bulb (heat).
...Basking 82 - 83 ...She always sits in her basking spot
...4 locusts or crix and 2 supers.

Supplements - Calypso calcium on Mon, Weds & Fri, and Reptivite without D3 once a fortnight.
...Lays over 100 infertile eggs per clutch (has laid two clutches).

She gets natural sunlight for a few hours daily when weather, wind and temps permit.
Howdy Tiff,

As has been suggested, to minimize health problems associated with egg over-production, reducing food intake should help. Use a low-cost ($20) digital scale to track her weight. Kinyonga has previously posted, in other threads, some good guidelines that you can use to help shutdown or at least minimize egg production. Consider a target count to be less than 60 eggs.

I see that your Veiled is getting several hours a week of natural, unfiltered (no glass or plastic) sunlight per week. That is why it is safe for you to continue not supplying any vitamin D3. If that changes, be prepared to supply Ca w/D3. Is she getting other vitamins and minerals supplemented?

A basking temp of 83F may be fine so long as her actual body temp is getting closer to 90F. You can measure her skin temp a few inches away using a low-cost ($20-$45) infrared temp gun.

When was her last batch of eggs produced? There is always the possibility of one or more eggs being left behind :(.

A few complete body photos might help. Photos of her enclosure might help too.

Is that ReptiGlo 10.0 your original tube? That would make it 1 yr-old and overdue for replacement. Can you get a ZooMed 5.0 or 10.0 linear tube (not CFL)?

If things take a turn for the better then that eliminates reproductive damage and organ failure. If she slips away then those are possibilities. Consider the sunken/closed eyes to be a symptom of a severe health condition (human wincing) rather than pinpointing any particular condition by itself. If you can eliminate all of the husbandry issues as having caused the problem then it will likely take a qualified Vet to sort things out using blood tests etc. :eek:.
Tiff I am heading off to bed, but you and Lily will be in my heart and prayers, I will check in tomorrow. We both know Lily HAS to be ok!!! Love Laurie
I'm up late tonight (right now it's 11:45 PM here in California). I've been thinking of your sweet Lily all day. Thought I'd check to see if there was any more news. I see there is not. You are both in my prayers. I'll check back tomorrow morning. Take care.
My thoughts are with you and Lily, I will also be checking back in the morning to hopefully get a good update....she is way to precious :)
Quick Update!

Hey all! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Lily is still with us this morning and her eyes don't look quite so sunken. Still closing her eyes though.

Thanks Dave, the UV was changed 6 months ago and is due for another change this week (on her anniversary). I'm very aware of the issues that light bulbs can cause - It would probably be ok for a couple more months, but I take no chances and do things 'by the book'. If she pulls through, her light will be replaced at some point this week. I'll answer the rest of your q's later.

Got to go now - Vet app is at 9.20. Will let you all know how it goes! Not hopeful though as the Reptile vet is not available til next week - we are seeing a 'normal' vet.
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