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My new sambava female has decided that today was laying day. She's been in a free range and I palpated her belly a few days ago. . She felt like a sack of marbles! I added a nice big 5 gallon laying bin which she happily ignored. I walked into the room just a few minutes ago and looked around for her. It looked like she was face down in a pothos plant (I am very short and the plant was up very high.) Silly me went over there to put her in a bigger laying bin so that she could do her business and when I had climbed up a chair to go get her, I found that she was actually BUTT down in the plant!! She hadn't even dug a hole! I got down quickly but she had already seen me and started to turn really dark...
What do you guys think? She's in my bathroom free range right now, so I just left and re-closed the door.
My new sambava female has decided that today was laying day. She's been in a free range and I palpated her belly a few days ago. . She felt like a sack of marbles! I added a nice big 5 gallon laying bin which she happily ignored. I walked into the room just a few minutes ago and looked around for her. It looked like she was face down in a pothos plant (I am very short and the plant was up very high.) Silly me went over there to put her in a bigger laying bin so that she could do her business and when I had climbed up a chair to go get her, I found that she was actually BUTT down in the plant!! She hadn't even dug a hole! I got down quickly but she had already seen me and started to turn really dark...
What do you guys think? She's in my bathroom free range right now, so I just left and re-closed the door.