something sticking out vent


New Member
yesterday i noticed my cham had soemthing sticking out of his vent. hes 6 months old and i just recently moved him to his 4 ft cage. hes been eating and drinking normal and appears healthy. ive heard about sperm plugs but i dont have much knowledge about them. i uploaded a pic please help.
That looks like a piece of poop sticking out of his vent. Have you seen any fresh poop lately?
i dont know what it is all i know is hes my baby and i dont want him sick. :(

it doesnt look like anything major i would worry too much.

but i would worry if the thing sticking out the vent was red and looked like a himepenal prolapse.

from your pictures it just looks like some dry poop.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Looks like a bit of fecal matter that was left over. If you shower him or if its present after a week or so, then I'd look into why its still there.
A shower is a really good idea. Just put a plant in your shower and point the showerhead towards the wall. It will create a misting shower. Leave him in there for about 15-20 minutes. My cham is a shower pooper and the longest he has ever stayed in it, is about 5 minutes. It should come out then! Good Luck
so i havent gotten to the shower yet but i just got home and noticed now he has something white on his vent ...which im guessing is urate. does this mean hes stopped up or somthing? am i worrying for no reason?
:( ok now its really tiny the poo and urate are gone and its looks kinda bloody. couldnt get a really good pic this is the best i can do. it time to visit a vet?

That looks like blood to me. Has he been pooing regularly (maybe he was passing something that caused tearing)? That might be a sign of something that is partially prolapsing or a tear which leads to an open sore in a dirty area. It would not hurt to go to the vet just for a check up and bring this picture in just in case it goes away.
ahhh i think it is a hemipenal prolapse theres barely anything sticking out he just went poop right now and he was pushing very hard and i saw something pinkish popping out as well. =( what do i do? im broke until friday
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