sexing baby ambilobe


what is the best way to sex a baby abilobe. i dont have it yet so dont have any pics. im pretty sure they have no tarsal spur as the veilds, correct? thanks for you input. if anyone can include some example pictures that would be most appreciated.
Look for a hemipenal buldge just past the vent on the tail on males... It's their 'junk.'
i know about the hemipenes. i was just not sure if they are present in a 2 month old ambilobe or not. i have sexed other reptiles before. snakes,geckos,beardies but not cham, unless a veiled
Yep, they're there. Its easier of you have a couple so you can compare females to males, but it can be done with only one. I fyou use the search function, there should be a thread with pictures.
cool will do thanks. and there should be plenty to choose from. im getting one next weekend
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