RIP Reptar (baby veiled)


New Member
Just wanted to post something about my little guy that was tortured by the pet store that i had for a few days, first chameleon of many (hopefully) and even though i had him for a few days i fell in love and me and my fiance did everything we could to help him but it was not enough. i've seen tons of animals i have been much closer with die, but this one little lizard made a big impact and he opened my eyes to what a great animal chameleons can be. i'm basically posting this for myself but his memory will live on and i am glad he is better off now instead of spending even more time suffering.

RIP little guy, you will be greatly missed.
I am so sorry for your loss! My first chameleon was too young when I got him, and the ride home stressed him. He never really ate, and I watched him wither away and die over the next 10 days. It is awful to watch such a beautiful little creature waste away when there is nothing you can do to help it. I understand what you are going through and I totally understand. Even though I only had him 10 days, my little guy's death just crushed me. I'm glad Reptar got to be in a loving home and was able to get good care during his last days. I hope you will be able to give another chameleon a home. It sounds like you are good with them. You will never forget Reptar. Your experience with him will make you appreciate your new healthy one that much more. I look at my new one every day and am so grateful that he is so healthy and wonderful. I wish the same for you in the future. Rest in peace, little Reptar!
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