Poor Ben

It's no big deal, he will be back to hos happy & charming self in no time at all.
Think if you were shedding all of the skin on your entire body that you might be a little grumpy too??
Dont let that stop you from handling him. Luke is our male Veiled and he hisses
at me ALL THE TIME and even more so when shedding. When he had his first shed it was covering his eye and driving him crazy. I took a pair of skinny forceps and pulled it from his eye. Ever since then when he sheds and it covers his eye he will hiss so much but will come to me and let me pull off of his eye.
Its so funny!!! He'll acts like he wants to strike me. Hissing and striking with his mouth closed. When my hand first goes in his enclosure. It is so funny!! :cool:
Ben is a big

Baby. He is definitely not liking this shed at all. This one seems to have taken longer then the past sheds. I have been misting him and giving him bunches of soft bodied buggies today. It looks like he is almost done..... Poor little man of mine.....
Baby. He is definitely not liking this shed at all. This one seems to have taken longer then the past sheds. I have been misting him and giving him bunches of soft bodied buggies today. It looks like he is almost done..... Poor little man of mine.....

Said tongue in cheek: This post is useless without pics! :D
Ben's pics....

before while grumpy
2012-10-23 10.33.53.jpg
after shed more beautiful and sweet again.....
2012-10-23 15.15.56.jpg
thank you

He is extremely cute.... never thought I'd love a little lizard.... he is my sweet Ben...
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Poor sweet Ben, at least he's all happy and bright again now:)
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