open mouth??

plant bootlegg

New Member
so i look over and my guy is sitting with his mouth open. then he starts swinging his head back and forth and opening it wider. when i opened his cage he stopped and ran right over to my hand like always. wtf??
well.... in the wild water comes form above for these critters and he was thirsty opening his mouth he might have been hoping for a drink :confused: ... you came along and he thought " YES! Human= water":) because of misting... or maybe he was trying to sing? correct me if im wrong but thats what i thought of the situation ::D
Maybe heat could be an issue??... I've only seen my girl sitting around with her mouth open if it was too hot.
usually when they gap like that it means they are too hot, but i dont know about shaking his head. My little guy has actually done that once from what ive seen, he was all puffed out though right near the top of his cage looking like he owned the place:p and then gaped and was shaking his head, this only lasted for about 2 seconds and then he closed his mouth again and that was that. Maybe he was being territorial?
has he shed yet since you had him? A few days or more before they are going to shed they will sometimes open their mouth, stick out their chin, and contort their body. Maybe that is what you saw? If not then yes, sometimes if heat is an issue, they will open their mouth to regulate body temp.
It sounds like he saw something that spooked him. Mouth open, head waving seems defensive to me. Was there a pet around that normally isn't in the room or something?
my cham did the same thing today, i assume it was too hot . it was in the high 90's today. she just opened her mouth and was shaking back fourth and sideways. i was like ???
high 90s is WAY tooo hot. what kind of heat bulb are you using? Ive read that some members on the forum keep their female chameleons in the low 80s.
i didnt know what to do it was hotter in my room, no ac and my room i up stairs. so i put her outside to get some sun.any ideas for hot weather? i know female temps should low 80s
plantbootleg, did we get a temperature from you? If so, I missed it.

I believe San Jose has had a less severe heat wave than the one San Diego has been experiencing, so the "high 90s" may well just be the ambient temperature. It got to 110 at my house on Monday.
Could she have had something stuck in her throat? Swinging the head back and forth and opening it wider IMHO is not just from being too least not in my years of experience.
hey guys my female veiled does the open mouth but never any rocking of the head. The temp in her cage right this second is 82F any ideas???
hey guys my female veiled does the open mouth but never any rocking of the head. The temp in her cage right this second is 82F any ideas???

How long does she open her mouth for because 82 is a good temp. if its a long time shes probably too hot but it could be something else.
sometimes when i walk in the room fast i startle my guy basking and he opens his mouth. hes being defensive. after he realizes its me he pipes down and goes back to doing his regular chilling.
when the open there mouth for such long periods there trying to cool down there body temp, it is normal unless there is foam or stuff around her lips , aka mouth rot
mine does this whenever my fiance looks in the cage hehe. After hearing your description im sure he was pissed about something.
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