Oh crap!


Chameleon Enthusiast
So, I was watching some tube when I saw a bug scuttling across the floor. On closer inspection, I realized it was a red runner. In a panic I ran downstairs into the bug room to find that a box somehow fell off a shelf and smashed in the screen top of my red runner tub. I'm estimating about 30 loose. I might just have to spray the shit out of the basement with pesticide after putting all of the other bugs in the garage and hope we don't get below freezing for a few nights. This is NOT what I wanted to happen. I wouldn't have cared about any other bin but this one. I hope I'm not screwed. My wife would literally move out.
I would use bait and sticky traps. Sprays only kill what comes into direct contact. Not sure if this would work but you could try setting up a warm "habitat" with food and hiding near where the bin fell over. See if they come to it and check often.
I have a bunch of baby spiders if you need them Scott I would send you plenty for free! These guys are aggressive hunters and already established all over the US. They survive well and I love them as a clean up crew for those who get loose. I plan to release several juveniles when they are old enough in several corners of my garage. They aren't afraid to take down full grown super worms who are like 10x bigger than them.
They probably need to grow out a little bit more to get your red runners, but I can find some wild juveniles of this species all over my backyard, they will help the slings out until these guys are of correct size. I have seen the slings take down larger prey items down together but they seem to be spreading out more and relying less on each other. They are growing fast.

They are mildly venomous, nothing too bad, especially since these guys are chill and even my wild garden ones don't get defensive and either just chill or run. But if you for some reason get bit (I only have gotten bit once by someone who got annoyed by me cupping over them and then putting too much pressure in one spot) they do give you mild flu symptoms for 24 hours at the longest. But really have to piss them off.
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