New Set Up and Addition!

I just did a little changing to my chameleon set up.
I also got in a WC female ambilobe.
The guy I got her from said she was gravid, but she isn't very big.
What do you panther guys and gals think?
I hope I'm up for the challenge.:rolleyes:


One thing that I learned was that after looking at Veileds and Oustalets all day that Panthers really are not that big! The only Panther that I have had as an adult was Nippy and she was a monster for a Panther and I always thought she was tiny! My new adult Panther female is half the size of my Veiled female!
Yea, panthers are much smaller!
My female veiled would eat my new panther female!
I wouldn't see why you would need anything bigger then a 18x18x36 for a male.
I also wouldn't use anything bigger then a 16x16x30 for a female.
I will admit that my personal experience isn't very much with panthers, so I'm sure their is the occasional exception.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
Also, the two end cages are a little bare, but that is to allow room for egglaying containers.
I haven't weighed her yet, but I would assume she dosent weigh more then 45g.
My female veiled weighs about 95g now that she has deposited all her eggs.
I think the eggs were somewhat developed before they were layed.
From copulation to egglaying was only 21 days.
The only reason I asked... was because on the photo she looked gravid. Shes beautiful by the way.:eek:

Congratulations! She looks very beautiful in color. Her lobes look a little flat (like she needs hydration), but I think that is probably normal for a WC. Some of our panther gals did not get big at all with their eggs. The only reason I knew they were ready to lay was because they started digging. I would give her a digging spot right away.

But, if you were saying that she herself seems too small to be sexually mature, that's not necessarily the case, either. I agree with the others, some panther gals can be quite small even at 8-10-or 12 months.
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Nice Justin... Not only did you score a sweet looking Fem... She definately looks gravid to me!! :) I would agree to get her a place to dig now... Just in case she is ready. I would be excited for sure!

All my initial experience was with Veileds also and when I got my first panther female (Muffin) I was shocked at how small she was at 10 months. Those F. Pardalis girls are definately petite. I compare her to the size of McLovin' (Panther Male) who was born earlier in the same month as her, and there is no wonder she is not receptive towards him yet... She is bulking out... But he still dwarfs her. I can't wait to get my new girl tomorrow afternoon! She is a big girl!

Congrats man... Nice lookin Setup as well!

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