New Plant Help


New Member
So i just bought luchador a new umbrella plant and it is extremely full and looks really good but he wont go inside of it.

Should i trim it up and thin it out or should i just give him some time to get used to it?

Also why does he only eat like 2-3 crikets a day or is that normal for a 7 month old.
i am planning on buying a new umbrella for my cage as well and they are very thick at the bottom. i am probably gonna trim up the botton so that there is a somewhat canopy of leaves above the bare bottom branches.
its worth a try...if not another 7-10 bucks and i'll get another.
nevermind i came home and he has warmed up to it.
it looks like he feels way more comfortable being hidden inside of it than the sketchy ficus.
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