My brother needs your thoughts and prayers

Hang on in there Rachelle. The brain is a wonderfull organ. Sometimes needs time to heal.:)
Wow what a scary time for all your family. I'm so glad there is some improvement each time! Keeping you and your brother in my thoughts and hoping for a full recovery in the times ahead!
My mom sent me a pic of him yesterday and it made me break down because it looked so weird. So today she told him they needed to take a new pic that was better for me because that last one wasn't good. One problem is that he is still paralyzed on the left, another is that he has lost a lot of weight since i last saw him, and a third is that they shaved him clean which I haven't seen since he was a little boy. SO he all around looked different. I broke down last night but today they sent me new pics and it was a bit better. He tried so hard to smile for me, and to wave to me and then put up the punk rock sign for me. How could i feel bad? I still cried, but it was really great to see.
It may take awhile for your brother but I believe he will make a full recovery. He is showing some excellent signs of that already.
I am still praying for you guys. I am sad to hear he his having challenges with his left side but hopefully it all recovers with time.
well he is out of the ICU, and off of the vent. He is still paralyzed on his left side and cant talk or anything. But we are hopeful that eventually he will recover. we are hopeful that in the coming months he will learn to eat, speak and function.

I feel that they are not letting him rest enough. They want to try to get him working on things early in the morning, but he has always been a night owl., Let him sleep in and maybe he would function better....ugh just my thoughts.

Here is a pic of him w his son that has been released online, Im just so distraught. I want him well. I hate this.

That is a touching picture. I really think that makes sense to let him sleep in but I am not doctor. Just trust them and what they are doing, it is what they dedicated their lives to.
It sounds like things are going in the right direction.Out of ICU and off the vent are big mile stones. Coming off the vent is scary, and he made it. Things are going to get better and better for Ryan. You will make a ton of difference just being with him.

If you have time let us know how he is doing, you are both in my prayers.
as an RN myself, here's what I might suggest: if the doctors do "rounds" outside your brother's room (aka stand around with a bunch of other docs, residents and nurses and talk about your brothers care in the morning), then whoever is your brother's advocate can mention his night owl habits and preference for therapies in the later morning/afternoon then. you could also ask his physical and occupational therapists if they can change their schedules to see him in the afternoon. The health care team may say, however, that they're trying to fit as much therapy/progress in as they can during the day. Also, PTs and OTs (at least in my hospital) usually don't see people past the early afternoon. These might be reasons why they get him up so early. Good luck, keep advocating and asking questions. And Happy Thanksgiving.
Just going to do updates on facebook for now because its going to be a very long road to recovery, whatever that ends up being.....If you are interested in the progression you can add me to facebook. [email protected] I am Rachelle Harper, but I think there are several so the email may work best.
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