Monsoon or MistKing

This is a very informative thread that deals with the comparison between the MistKing units and the Monsoon units. Read through that thread and look at the included pics.

The MistKing units have SOOO many options to be able to customize your setup however you like, running hoses any which way you desire, adding raindomes and/or more nozzles, choosing how big/small you want your reservoir to be, etc. The MistKing can also handle a bigger payload as far as how many nozzles it can run at one time, as the pump is considerably larger than the junk pumps in the Monsoon Systems. The Monsoon can be good for some, sure, but it will eventually break in some way and you will wish you got a MistKing. There are customers on here who have had their MistKing setups for years and years and years, with zero issues in all the time they have owned one. I'm not sure I've ever read about anyone who has had the SAME Monsoon unit for years and years and years with no problems. Keep in mind that the people who have owned a MistKing system for 5+ years.... those are the OLDER models and they are still working great. The newer MistIKing units have a few slight upgrades and should perform even longer than the older ones.....

I know the Monsoon LOOKS nice. I was torn between the two units as well when making my decision. It absolutely does look nicer and cleaner. But that's because it is MADE to LOOK nice. It's made to look that way in order to grab your attention and try to seal the deal with you. A lot of pet store items are that way. You won't find a MistKing at your local Petco or Petsmart and that's because they don't LOOK as nice and they aren't an all-in-one because you have to go out and find a reservoir for it. With that said, it's really not that big of an inconvenience. Not hard to put together at all. Out of the box and hooked up to my cage exactly how I wanted it took me maybe 20 minutes - and that includes the time it took to drill my bulkhead hole and install the bulkhead, drill holes for my top screen wedges to hold my nozzles and install the wedges, cut my tubing, install all my tubing using tubing clips and tape... all took 20 minutes to do. And I never regret it. The pumps are very efficient, super silent (I can't even hear the pump when it's on, I can only hear the spray coming from the nozzles) and the spray is super fine, finer than any mist you will see coming from any other units on the market. They can also run dry for a while and not break so that is good if you are forgetful and forget to fill up the water. I've never done that, but it's good to know that I can do that without too much worry. The timers for the MistKing are awesome too, especially the newer timers with the nice looking LED panels on them. You can customize every single spray session time down to the precise second. You can't do that with the Monsoon, as every spray sequence will last just as long as the last one. No customization there. The MistKing really is a better unit.

Just read the thread I linked you to... make sure you read the part where it compares the nozzles and also make sure you read where it compares the pumps as well. Then make your final decision. My opinion thought? MistKing for the win.
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