I think this is an eye infection - can you verify?


New Member
While feeding Kepler today I noticed his left eye looked a little odd:

I was looking around the forum and it looks as though it's an eye infection, but I just wanted to make sure. The annoying part is that I literally just had him at the vet THURSDAY, and less than 2 days later he's got more issues than before =/


I just started dropping saline into his eye, should I be rubbing it with a q-tip or something? I also don't have any Terramycin - is there any place that sells this other than online retailers? Also should I see the vet again if it's not cleared up by Tuesday? Thanks again for all of your help guys!

edit: he did eat today as well, didn't seem to be having a problem aiming either.

if you're looking for 'the form' here's a copy from my previous thread:
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Blue bar amilobe, male, 5-6 months, in my care since about 1.5 months old.
Handling - daily to every other day
Feeding - 8-10 crickets per day every day. Gut load = cricket crack.
Supplements - Rep-Cal Calcium without D3 every day. Rep-Cal Calcium WITH D3, Rep-Cal Herpivite, and Sticky Tongue Farms Mineral-All Outdoor TWICE a month.
Watering - Aquazamp misting of RO (~20TDS) water every hour or so for 1 minute. I do see my chameleon drinking off of the leaves.
Fecal Description - Brown and white - looks like other healthy poop pictures found on this forum. Kepler has not been tested for parasites yet.
History - None that I know of.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen Cage ~16x15x28"
Lighting - 50watt heat bulb from petsmart (don't remember brand). Reptisun 5.0 UVB bulb. Light's on at around 9am, off at ~8pm.
Temperature - basking area is ~85, the rest of the cage is ~79 (temperature of the room he's in) Measured these temps with a digital thermometer
Humidity - Do not have a way to measure humidity - see misting schedule above
Plants - Live schefflera/umbrella plant
Placement - cage located in the corner of my loft, not near any vents/fans. Foot traffic is moderate and only a few times a day. Where he hangs out he is ~5-6" above eye level. Top of the cage is ~6 feet off of the floor (my girlfriend and I are short)
Location - Las Vegas, NV
That definetely looks like an infection. i would take him to the vet asap.

after one saline wash the goopy stuff looks gone. my vet is out of town until wednesday, and with labor day it would be difficult to get him in elsewhere sooner than that anyway. I'm going to do 2 saline washes a day and see if it clears up within the next day or so =/
after one saline wash the goopy stuff looks gone. my vet is out of town until wednesday, and with labor day it would be difficult to get him in elsewhere sooner than that anyway. I'm going to do 2 saline washes a day and see if it clears up within the next day or so =/

Good luck. Try a warm shower too.
haha I might give that a shot, but he hates being sprayed!
You dont actually spary. what you do is put him on a plant, put the palnt an dhim n the shower on the floor. aim the shower head towards the wall. then let the mist that bounces off the wall, land on him and the plant.
warm but not hot.
his eye looked 'normal' after the first saline rinse. my vet emailed me back and said I should continue to rinse his eye 3-5 times daily and it should improve in 2-3 days.

his eye doesn't seem to close all the way either when he's sleeping, is this due to the infection?
i'm not a vet, or experienced with infections, but it looks like the chameleon version of conjunctivitis. i wouldn't be surprised if that stuff hardens in his sleep and he has trouble opening it tomorrow morning.
The eye not closing during sleep can be from the stuff in it. If thats what your vet said, then I guess continue to do it. But if after a few days its not getting better, i would go in.
BTW, i agree its the cham conjunctivitis, however, saline wont treat it. it will need medication.
Try the LLL stuff. no idea what dawniegirl is talking about, but cant hurt to look into it, esp if it helps and saves a vet visit.
You dont actually spary. what you do is put him on a plant, put the palnt an dhim n the shower on the floor. aim the shower head towards the wall. then let the mist that bounces off the wall, land on him and the plant.
warm but not hot.
how long do you usually leave them in there for?

BTW, i agree its the cham conjunctivitis, however, saline wont treat it. it will need medication.
Try the LLL stuff. no idea what dawniegirl is talking about, but cant hurt to look into it, esp if it helps and saves a vet visit.
ick =/ It'll take too long to get to me with the holiday; I might as well make the appointment now.
how long do you usually leave them in there for?

ick =/ It'll take too long to get to me with the holiday; I might as well make the appointment now.

Normal shower time is roughly 15-20 minutes.

and probably a good idea on the appt. lol

After the first couple of days the 'goo' in his eye wasn't apparent. After about a week his eye now closes properly at night. Now every few days or so he's been scratching to get an eye booger out, here's a shot of it just after helping him get it out (with saline):

Throughout the day I see no sign of it, just pops out later in the day. I've switched to repashy calcium plus as a suppliment, and I have Terramycin + Repashy Vitamin A on the way. He's been getting warm showers every other day or so (and hating it).

Are these boogers signs of an eye infection? And now that his eye's 'look' normal and are closing properly do you think the Terramycin will help clear it up? Thanks!
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