has any of your chams done this?


New Member
i just saw mine rubbing its eye against a branch purposly, and it looked weird, i thought she was gunna hurt herself...

normal? what does it mean?
Is your cham shedding? Maybe your cham has got something in his eye? Lily does that when she sheds - she rubs really hard too. Makes me squirm when she does it! When she sheds I put on a knitted glove and she rubs her eyes on my thumb to get the shed off! Cute but gross at the same time! :p
When I see my do it I get the mister and mist......maybe they have something in their eye and I have seen them do it to get the shed off.
she isnt shedding, maybe she will start to? but yah it was hard and it looked like she was pushing her eye out!
My Male Jacksons did that a few days ago!!! I thought maybe parasites behind the eye? He bulged his eye out then rubbed it. Freaked me out. Still not sure.
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