Distilled water $1.89/ gallon!!

If I only want to make maybe a gallon of RO water a day would this work for me @MissSkittles ? Also do you need to replace the filters and membranes often?
You could make only a gallon daily, but you’ll probably find it easier to just make 7 once a week. I kept the bottles from when I bought distilled water and reuse them. I’ve been replacing the filters every 6 months or so, but this is from Amazon q&a.
Q: When should I replace filters
A: Hi John, Ken from Aquatic Life here. That really depends on the quality of the water where you live. This is what we recommend as a guideline: Sediment cartridge removes particulate material found in tap water. Operating life of 2,000 to 3,000 gallons depending on water quality. Carbon cartridge removes chlorine from most incoming tap water supplies for up to six months. Operating life of 1,000 to 1,500 gallons depending on water quality. To install remove threaded fittings from existing Sediment and Carbon cartridges and use in new replacement cartridges.
I get it for $.99 at target. I believe @MissSkittles uses a reverse osmosis filter that she plugs into her sink. That could be an option for you.
Dang she’s got one that works in the sink!? I’ve gotta plug mine into a water hose outside lololol in summer I’ll get around ten gallons an hour but in winter it comes out in drops :0
I don’t use it for my cham though, just reef tanks and carnivorous plants.
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I use a 5 gallon backpack sprayer...I add 1/2 gallon dechlorinated water...the rest ro water....40€ gallon at water store....I keep 7, 5 gallon water jugs full.... I don't use mistking system
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