I really need help
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Panther-Ambilobe, male, 3.5 months. How long has it been in your care - 1.5 month?
Handling - Not often, but in last 2 weeks I had to handle him to put saline and gentamycin drops in his eyes and he was stressed because of it
Feeding - Brown and black crickets,super worms, smal lateralis? 10-15 a day. Mostly in the morning, but super worms when I foud some that sheeded, because he want eat them if they are not white. I am giving apples and carrots to feeders.
Supplements - Since I am in Eastern Europe, I am giving him what I can find here - Pure kalcium carbonate dust for humans, Nekton, Sera Reptiminerals c http://www.sera.de/us/products/terra...mineral-c.html .Trayng to give pure calcium every day, with the rest I am mixing,few feeders 2 times a week.
Watering - Spraing and and rain drop bowl on the top? 5-6 times a day, 1-2 minutes.It is a small cage? Yes he is, poop is ok.
Fecal Description - Brown-white, sometimes have 20% of orange and 80% white. Parasites-No, I do not have possibility to do that.No reptile vets here
History - One sheedeng before, three weeks ago, it was a problem with the eye but different.Here is that thread Baby Panther eye infection-please help He just recovered, and now the new problem.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen, image is attached. The door ant top are open, and two windows on sides. I have to say it in centimeters 45x50x45
Lighting - Reptile spot 45w, and Silvania uva,uvb 0,5% http://www.aquaristikshop.com/e_Prod...-Reptistar.htm Daily lighting schedule-12 hours
Temperature - From 70-86 Fahrenheit Lowest overnight temp - 68? Analog thermometars, but checked with digital too
Humidity - I am trying to keep it at least 50%, but have to spray offten to increase it. I am spraying every time the plant is dry,have water on the top of cage to drop like rain, in the last time I put at the bottom coconut supstrate covered with paper towels to try to increase it. What do you use to measure humidity-two analog hydrometars, checked wit digital too.
Plants - Are you using live plants-yes, Sheflera
Placement - No traffic,70 cm from the ground. At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor - 120cm
Location - Eastern Europe - Serbia?
Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
My 3,5 month old panther sheed fast, in one hour or two, but this time on his right eye skin remained, and there is some buldge on the left eye after sheeding. I am trying to drop some phisiological saline on his eye, but it's not helping.
I tried warm 15 min showers, but no improvement. He can't close eye, or move it around. Eyeball inside the eyelid is moving, looking healthy. I am putting some saline to hydrate the eye. The eyelid is rough if I touch it and look very dry. Like someone punched him in the eye, and the eye remained flat. Is there anything I can do? Does anyone had this problem?
Please, give me some advice.
II already have thread with images, but look worse now, more dry and darker.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Panther-Ambilobe, male, 3.5 months. How long has it been in your care - 1.5 month?
Handling - Not often, but in last 2 weeks I had to handle him to put saline and gentamycin drops in his eyes and he was stressed because of it
Feeding - Brown and black crickets,super worms, smal lateralis? 10-15 a day. Mostly in the morning, but super worms when I foud some that sheeded, because he want eat them if they are not white. I am giving apples and carrots to feeders.
Supplements - Since I am in Eastern Europe, I am giving him what I can find here - Pure kalcium carbonate dust for humans, Nekton, Sera Reptiminerals c http://www.sera.de/us/products/terra...mineral-c.html .Trayng to give pure calcium every day, with the rest I am mixing,few feeders 2 times a week.
Watering - Spraing and and rain drop bowl on the top? 5-6 times a day, 1-2 minutes.It is a small cage? Yes he is, poop is ok.
Fecal Description - Brown-white, sometimes have 20% of orange and 80% white. Parasites-No, I do not have possibility to do that.No reptile vets here
History - One sheedeng before, three weeks ago, it was a problem with the eye but different.Here is that thread Baby Panther eye infection-please help He just recovered, and now the new problem.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen, image is attached. The door ant top are open, and two windows on sides. I have to say it in centimeters 45x50x45
Lighting - Reptile spot 45w, and Silvania uva,uvb 0,5% http://www.aquaristikshop.com/e_Prod...-Reptistar.htm Daily lighting schedule-12 hours
Temperature - From 70-86 Fahrenheit Lowest overnight temp - 68? Analog thermometars, but checked with digital too
Humidity - I am trying to keep it at least 50%, but have to spray offten to increase it. I am spraying every time the plant is dry,have water on the top of cage to drop like rain, in the last time I put at the bottom coconut supstrate covered with paper towels to try to increase it. What do you use to measure humidity-two analog hydrometars, checked wit digital too.
Plants - Are you using live plants-yes, Sheflera
Placement - No traffic,70 cm from the ground. At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor - 120cm
Location - Eastern Europe - Serbia?
Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
My 3,5 month old panther sheed fast, in one hour or two, but this time on his right eye skin remained, and there is some buldge on the left eye after sheeding. I am trying to drop some phisiological saline on his eye, but it's not helping.
I tried warm 15 min showers, but no improvement. He can't close eye, or move it around. Eyeball inside the eyelid is moving, looking healthy. I am putting some saline to hydrate the eye. The eyelid is rough if I touch it and look very dry. Like someone punched him in the eye, and the eye remained flat. Is there anything I can do? Does anyone had this problem?
Please, give me some advice.
II already have thread with images, but look worse now, more dry and darker.