New Member
Hey everyone,
This post was really just an outreach to anyone with veterinary knowledge or experience with MBD, the reading of X-rays and/or any other bone conditions.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, Male, approx 18 months old. Owned him since he was a wee baby.
Handling - He's very friendly, so he's handled daily, but usually allowed to free roam on a plant and vine network I set up on the windowsill for 2-3 hours a day.
Feeding - Locusts and various veggies, 3 extra large Locusts fed every 2-3 days.. Sometimes fed more locusts if he wants them. Kale, Celery leaf, spring greens 1-2 times a week. Feeders gutloaded on pro rep bug grub and same veggies as fed to chameleon.
Supplements - Komodo premium insect dusting powder - chameleon.
Watering - Misting daily, hand watering 1-2 times a week, water dripper always available.
Fecal Description - Poop is normal brown and pellet shaped, urate is creamy yellow, has been tested for parasites, had a mild case but was treated for them and is now clean of parasites.
History - No previous medical concerns.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 2ft(deep) by 4ft (tall) approx, glass exo terra viv with mesh roof.
Lighting - Arcadia, 6% UVB D3 reptile lamp, On from 9am till 9pm
Temperature - Currently around 87 F at basking spot. I use an analogue temp gauge.
Humidity - Currently around 50, I use an analogue humidity gauge.
Plants - Plastic ivy around the glass walls and a large living ficus plant.
Placement - Bedroom, nowhere near any high traffic areas, Vivarium is around 3ft off the ground.
Location - Scotland, UK.
Current Problem -
Just yesterday I was cleaning out my chameleon Pierre's vivarium and as I was placing him back on his branch.. I noticed his symmetry was off and it looked as though his hip was out of place. My first assumption was that he had fallen at some point and I had not realised, regardless, I called for an emergency appointment and took him to the vet first thing the next day.
My vet is not a chameleon specialist, but he does deal with reptiles on a regular basis so I trust his advice.
However, Having taken Pierre in with the fear of broken bones, The xray came up with no breaks.. and nothing to show why Pierre has something protruding from his hip.
I've always lived in fear of my dear chameleon contracting MBD and thus i've always kept on top of replacing bulbs and dusting his feeder insects but my vet informed me that my poor guy has mild signs of MBD in the spine, legs and ribs.
The only way i could have imagined this happening was when he was younger and he'd stopped eating for 3 weeks, eventually he did resume eating, but was this the cause of his MBD? Or is his X-ray showing signs of the condition worsening recently?
The vet also mentioned something about his ribs dissolving? He was unsure about the bubbles that showed up on a few of his ribs, but was confident that with an increase in Calcium and a stronger bulb, that he would be alright.
After he was home from the vet, he was adventurous as always and he's eating as if nothing were ever wrong.
Can anybody shed any further light on whats going on with my little Pierre?
Any advice/ suggestions will go greatly appreciated, and I am willing to answer any questions!
I've attached images for reference.
Thanks in advance.
This post was really just an outreach to anyone with veterinary knowledge or experience with MBD, the reading of X-rays and/or any other bone conditions.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, Male, approx 18 months old. Owned him since he was a wee baby.
Handling - He's very friendly, so he's handled daily, but usually allowed to free roam on a plant and vine network I set up on the windowsill for 2-3 hours a day.
Feeding - Locusts and various veggies, 3 extra large Locusts fed every 2-3 days.. Sometimes fed more locusts if he wants them. Kale, Celery leaf, spring greens 1-2 times a week. Feeders gutloaded on pro rep bug grub and same veggies as fed to chameleon.
Supplements - Komodo premium insect dusting powder - chameleon.
Watering - Misting daily, hand watering 1-2 times a week, water dripper always available.
Fecal Description - Poop is normal brown and pellet shaped, urate is creamy yellow, has been tested for parasites, had a mild case but was treated for them and is now clean of parasites.
History - No previous medical concerns.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 2ft(deep) by 4ft (tall) approx, glass exo terra viv with mesh roof.
Lighting - Arcadia, 6% UVB D3 reptile lamp, On from 9am till 9pm
Temperature - Currently around 87 F at basking spot. I use an analogue temp gauge.
Humidity - Currently around 50, I use an analogue humidity gauge.
Plants - Plastic ivy around the glass walls and a large living ficus plant.
Placement - Bedroom, nowhere near any high traffic areas, Vivarium is around 3ft off the ground.
Location - Scotland, UK.
Current Problem -
Just yesterday I was cleaning out my chameleon Pierre's vivarium and as I was placing him back on his branch.. I noticed his symmetry was off and it looked as though his hip was out of place. My first assumption was that he had fallen at some point and I had not realised, regardless, I called for an emergency appointment and took him to the vet first thing the next day.
My vet is not a chameleon specialist, but he does deal with reptiles on a regular basis so I trust his advice.
However, Having taken Pierre in with the fear of broken bones, The xray came up with no breaks.. and nothing to show why Pierre has something protruding from his hip.
I've always lived in fear of my dear chameleon contracting MBD and thus i've always kept on top of replacing bulbs and dusting his feeder insects but my vet informed me that my poor guy has mild signs of MBD in the spine, legs and ribs.
The only way i could have imagined this happening was when he was younger and he'd stopped eating for 3 weeks, eventually he did resume eating, but was this the cause of his MBD? Or is his X-ray showing signs of the condition worsening recently?
The vet also mentioned something about his ribs dissolving? He was unsure about the bubbles that showed up on a few of his ribs, but was confident that with an increase in Calcium and a stronger bulb, that he would be alright.
After he was home from the vet, he was adventurous as always and he's eating as if nothing were ever wrong.
Can anybody shed any further light on whats going on with my little Pierre?
Any advice/ suggestions will go greatly appreciated, and I am willing to answer any questions!
I've attached images for reference.
Thanks in advance.