
So she is eating but I feel like it still isn't enough, but from what I understand she is much younger than i previously thought, compared to anywhere from 4-6 months I was told she maybe 3-4 months. I have had her about a month now and she hasn't really shed yet, is that okay? Her urate is still white. So she is not dehydrated. She seems stressed possible, so I cover her cage mostly. I tried to get some repta-boost into her but it seems impossible to get it in the tiny mouth! She mostly alone during the day. I think I am going to add another UVB bulb to her take as well her ambient temp is still hanging around 76-80 and the basking temp is about 83-84. She moves around so not very lazy. Still a little worried about her.

I think you are over worrying on her food. As long as she eats a decent amount, and grows she is fine. Not all babies eat 20+ bugs all the time.

Don't add another uvb bulb, that isn't going to do anything, and it could in fact cause damage to her eyes.

You need to mist daily, at least 3-5 times per day.

YOu don't need repta boost, I really don't think you have any issues with her.

Can you please post some photos of her and her set up?
I think you are over worrying on her food. As long as she eats a decent amount, and grows she is fine. Not all babies eat 20+ bugs all the time.

Don't add another uvb bulb, that isn't going to do anything, and it could in fact cause damage to her eyes.

You need to mist daily, at least 3-5 times per day.

YOu don't need repta boost, I really don't think you have any issues with her.

Can you please post some photos of her and her set up?
She gets misted more than that I spray the cage in the morning and once at night with a spray bottle but she does have a fogger which goes off every hour for about 15 minutes. Her humidity hangs around 80% when wet and 55-60% when dry. I will post some photo's later after work. I feel she needs more hiding places and would like to push her plants up higher but I haven't gotten to shopping lately......not even grocery for my husband....haha Thank you for your advise.
Sorry got home to late last night and didn't want to wake her to take pictures. I think I might try removing her cup feeding. She ate a lot more crickets when they weren't in the cup. She loves the hunt I think too! Will try again tonight for pictures.
Recent pictures

Here are pictures of her cage and her when she isn't fired up haha. IMG_257086836509733.jpg


I know she is skinny but I can't get her to eat anymore she won't eat out of the cup and not from my hand. I let the crickets go and cup the mealworms and I am going to pick her up some slik worms.


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