2 large adult crickets at once


New Member
today during a fatty adult cricket feeding session, my jackson struck and landed two on one shot, it was truly a sight to see, has anyone else seen this phenomena occur
My female Veiled dives into the feeder cup when she sees me coming, I have actually seen her nail, chew, and swallow 2-3 good sized crickets at a time.
Lol this is cool cause my old female vieled use to catch to super worms at once right out of her cup, that use to be crazy.
my panther loves food i have seen him zapp full grown silk worms when he was just a little guy. i have also seen him zapp two at once
Hahaha, mine caught a superworm sideways today and had a heck of a time actually getting it into his mouth. He used one of his front legs to kind of help cram it in there, it was cute.
Hahaha, mine caught a superworm sideways today and had a heck of a time actually getting it into his mouth. He used one of his front legs to kind of help cram it in there, it was cute.

That is so funny. I love watching Guido use his legs and feet as tools. Though I've never seen him shove food in his mouth, I have seen him reach up with a hind leg, grab hold of a sheet of shed skin, and tear if off.
2 on 1

My 2 veiled chameleons, Yuna and Tidus, both went for the same cricket at once. It was fun to watch cause they kinda got stuck together and fought over it for a few seconds. My veiw wasnt good enough to see who won.
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