Wild panther chameleons in florida?

I lived in florida my whole life and ive always loved chameleons. But I recently discovered that there are wild panther chameleons in florida!
I decided i should look into it because I wanted to find some but apparently everyone is super secret about it. does anybody know where I can go find some?
much appreciated.
I lived in florida my whole life and ive always loved chameleons. But I recently discovered that there are wild panther chameleons in florida!
I decided i should look into it because I wanted to find some but apparently everyone is super secret about it. does anybody know where I can go find some?
much appreciated.
Won't be a secret if they tell you right?

Whatever you do try not to trespass private property and also not to discourage you, but I've heard of stories of people being shot by the "keepers" of the free roaming chameleons. Just be safe.
I will do my best to be safe, thanks for worrying. But if its on private property, then ill probably ask the owner of the land for permission. and if they arent the person who released them there in the first place then i hope that they will let me in. I just wish i knew where exaclty I could find some.
They are super secret because they are Ranching.

Alot of those Chameleons are released on purpose. So they can eat wild insect's, and and breed. Then the ranchers can go back and retrieve eggs, or females that are about to lay, or adults and sell them.

It's a shady underground business culture. So anyone who does know will likely not tell you. They are not doing this for fun, there is alot of money involved.

Like asking a cartel where their poppy field is.
Wow. That sucks why does it have to be so secretive? I just wanna find some chams.

? Because people go catch those Panthers and sell them for 300+ dollars a piece lol.

It adds up to quite a bit of money.

If you had a stash of thousands of dollars in the middle of the woods, would you tell us where your stash is?
Are there any other kinds of chams in Florida that I could find?

Velieds, but again. $$$ no one is going to tell you where there ranch is...

veild chameleons

They hide those too lol.

OP watch this.

So you have 2 types of people, Ranchers, that are doing this illegally, this is not legal. they may as well be growing pot plants. Or the people that find them, which are making a living off the ranchers by stealing the chams the ranchers have planted illegally. Its money, its all about money.
Sorry I didn’t respond. I had some work to do. If I found one, I would either keep it, or give it to a friend. I have lots of friends who love reptiles
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