Water question distilled water

can i use tap water if i use an additive like" aquasafe" for my panther chams water supply? distilled is getting costly and hauling in those gallons is getting old. thanks:confused:
can i use tap water if i use an additive like" aquasafe" for my panther chams water supply? distilled is getting costly and hauling in those gallons is getting old. thanks:confused:

you don't have to use those additives. just keep your water jug out overnight w/o the cap or lid on. the chlorene will dissipate as it sits out. i've been using tap water w/ tihs method for a long time w/o any issues.
Check with your local water district. Chlorine will dissipate, but other items may not. Chloramine will not dissipate when left sitting. Your local municipality will have a breakdown of water contents, or you can buy a test kit. If you are using a misting system, I would not use tap water due to mineral deposits.

Also, leave the cap off! you want the water to be in contact with the air for the chlorine to dissipate!
Distilled water is obviously okay, but the OP is finding it an expensive option.

Decadancin is right, you need to check with your local water authority to see what is in the water. One thing to be very concerned about is fluoride. Many districts fluoridate their water at fairly high levels.

Here is some information on fluoride and chameleons:
Fluoridated water contains 0.5 to 1.0 ppm fluoride, usually as the sodium salt. Fluoride has a narrow safety range. In mammals, deficiency is associated with dental caries and with osteoporosis in the aged. Fluoride toxicity (fluorosis), due to accumulation from long-term consumption of high levels, is associated with deformed bones and soft, mottled, and irregularly worn teeth. Animals fed diets deficient in protein, calcium, and vitamin C are more susceptible to fluorosis. Water sources containing high levels of fluoride are found in parts of Arkansas, California, South Carolina, and Texas and may be a risk for fluorosis. In reptiles, fluorosis can mimic the signs of metabolic bone disease (MBD)
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