Very lucky


I removed some eggs from an eggbound female quadricornis that died in the fall. Most of the eggs went bad exept 2, Last week, 1 burst with a live neonate, but surrounded by yolk. It died a day later. Yesterday, I found the last one hatched. I am very happy, just worried that it will stay alive. My record with werner and meru Jax is not good, but they are livebearers.
The baby seems healthy and ate a cricket (need to get small ones today).
Hopefully, it is a male, as I have an unrelated female from that shipment in the fall.
What temperature is maximum for a baby of this species? It is rainy and cool right now, but summer will be coming.
Will try to get pics up (and werneri that survived from clutch last summer).

Good luck and keep us posted. When i raised baby quads I worried about misting and fruit flys along with pin head crickets. they all did great. They had a uvc but no heat light. The room temp was about 72 to 74. They were in a barhroom and never bothered - except for me looking at them.:eek:
That is where I have the adult female, in the bathroom downstairs. It is bright, lots of windows, but very breezy in the summer. The bedroom I had the baby in is too warm right now at 77-78. I put him beside the female, but blocked the view, so they cannot see each other.
I have not had time to check out his behavior (working), but I saw him eat a cricket and see a couple of the 6 I put in this morning. Hope they did not get out.
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